Chapter 7: Ibuprofen, Thai Food, & Perfume

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Jenna's POV

I wake up with an absolute monster of a headache and my throat has truly never felt more dry. I'm sure I'm staring death in the face but to my sweet, sweet relief, I notice a glass of water and two ibuprofen on my nightstand, along with a trash can next to my bed that thankfully doesn't contain any contents of my stomach - although that's probably what I need right now. I reach for the water and medicine, slowly, and as I do so the fuzzy memory of who did this for me comes to the forefront of my mind. I muster a small smile before I guzzle down the pills when I suddenly remember I had asked her to stay over and it almost makes me spit my water out. Fuck. Why would I do that? Oh my God, that is way too much too soon. I can't even recall her response cause I may or may not be a little drunk still. What if I scared her off? We all had such a great time last night, before I started feeling like hot garbage, and my time spent with her only solidified the fact that I want to spend more. I groan audibly as my head throbs with too many thoughts for the zombified state I was in. I check my phone, which was also kindly plugged in for me, and see that it's already noon. Fuck, half of my day off is gone already. I respond to a few texts from the girls' group chat confirming I am in fact alive and finish off my water, immediately needing more. I grudgingly drag myself out of bed and make my way to leave the bedroom, not knowing if I was about to face Y/n or not and practically shitting my pants because of it. 

I leave my bedroom after a steadying deep breath and I'm hit with a wave of disappointment that I wasn't prepared for when I see the blankets are neatly folded on the couch, along with the T-shirt I now remember letting her borrow. The apartment is also spotless, down to the dishes and the trash. I owed the girls my life cause I was not about to do all that right now. After retrieving my refill, I notice a note on my counter.

Didn't want to disturb the sleeping beauty, but thank you so much for last night. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. Hopefully the hangover isn't too brutal today. Xo, Y/n

I read the note in her voice and it causes that feeling of butterflies that I was becoming all too familiar with. Before my mind catches up with my body, I find myself sticking it to the fridge with a magnet. It wasn't necessary to keep, but her handwriting looked too beautiful to just throw away, and something in me just liked having a little piece of her here.

I opt to stay on the couch since there wasn't a TV in the bedroom and all I felt like doing was watching my favorite movies and ordering some Thai food. I nested onto the couch and as I throw the previously folded blankets onto me, I'm hit with yet another wave of her scent. I grab my tee shirt she had worn and hold it closer to me, once again feeling on autopilot as I take a deep inhale. I don't think I'll wash this for a while. Woah, okay- that thought felt a little on the feral side. What has gotten into me? How drunk am I right now? Attempting to shake the thought, I grab my phone to text her and thank her for looking out for me.

Thank you. I'm a mess and you are an actual lifesaver. You're welcome to game night any time, by the way. Everyone loved you.

Also, your scent is all over my couch and clothes but I am not complaining. What perfume do you wear?

I hit her with the double text without thinking it through and all I can do is hope, once again, that I'm not doing too much. I don't know why I was so hyperaware of my actions with her but I don't have much time to ponder on it since I receive a reply almost immediately. My heart does a quick double-beat.

Lol I've been worse, you were totally fine. I hope you're feeling okay today.

And thank you, that means a lot. I loved everyone, too.

Hahaha, it's a dupe actually. The real perfume is way out of my budget, but it's called Pear, Inc. by Juliette Has a Gun.

Oh, a triple text. Okay, clearly I was overthinking things. I catch myself smiling at her responses for reasons I'm not too sure of but it just felt like a natural reaction. I'm relieved to hear I didn't do anything too embarrassing and my chest warms at the thought of her getting along so well with my friends. I heart all her messages and switch apps to order some much-needed food. I wish I had the mental capacity to carry a conversation with Y/n but I simply, and regrettably, don't right now. So I lock my phone, turn on the TV, and make myself comfortable while I wait for my food. The subtle scent of Y/n - sweet, fresh, and musky - swirls around my nose every time I adjust my blanket, and it brings me a great sense of comfort that I desperately needed right now. Although I was about to enjoy my day off, (as much as I could with this hangover), I was actually looking forward to being back on set tomorrow in hopes of seeing a certain someone again. 

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