Chapter 28

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"I... asked your footman where you went."

The faint sound of his voice was heard between the sound of the loud pouring rain and thunder. "You said you wanted to be left alone, but I cannot bear a day without you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my word." Was the first thing he said.

For Cordelia to hear such a thing, she could not believe that those were the thoughts running in his mind given the state he was in, drenched and trembling from the cold.

She didn't utter a word, but instead, Cordelia held Leon's cold hand and pulled him inside the cottage. She had never been so angry before, but she was angry. Not at him, but at his carelessness.

"What were you thinking..?"


"What were you thinking coming here at this time and weather? Don't you know it's dangerous?" Cordelia wanted to scold him badly, continuing to drag him upstairs, into her room.

She turned around and whispered upon closing the door. "You're so careless!"

Leon began to draw closer to her, hovering over her with his body. He gently reached for her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

'I would have embraced her... if I wasn't drenched.'

The worry that Cordelia was heavy on her chest. He was still her husband after all. "Just how long were you standing outside?"


"Leon? Answer me."

A faint helpless smile curved on his pale lips. Seeing her before him gave him life. He took joy in listening to her scolding him.

"Are you..." Leon raised her hand, placing it on his wet cheeks. "—worried about me?"

"....." Cordelia suddenly became silent. She didn't want to answer that for she was still upset. She didn't want to admit she deeply cared about him.

Still in disbelief, Cordelia pinched his cheek hard.


"Your body is cold. You'll surely catch a cold."

"You're asking me if I'm worried about you after you showed up drenched in the rain and in this weather? Of course I would be!"

"Then I'm glad." Leon failed to hide his small smile.

"That is not something you should be glad about."

"How so? Knowing that my beloved wife still cares for me?"

Before Cordelia could even part her lips and scold him more, she halted upon noticing his lightly trembling figure.

"You're trembling..."

She reached for the spare towel she brought, putting it over his shoulders. His eyes never left hers. But Leon had to close his eyes as his vision slowly became blurred, his head starting to feel heavy.

"Are you feeling unwell?" She worriedly asked. "Sit down."

Her voice slowly became muffled in his ears, while his sight became more blurry by the passing second.

"Are... —ou alright?" The worry was evident in her voice as Leon wanted to assure her he was fine, not wanting her to worry. But he couldn't get a word out.

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant