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Disclaimer - this is pure fan fiction it's not real. I mean no disrespect to any of the members.The stroy is fictional it's doesn't have anything to do with the real life members of bts.

A/n : the fic take place as you can tell during mediaeval era or sort of how would be a life of a girl that time from my perspective. Im not really good at and i don't wanna spoil it so that's it .

Do not read it if it make you uncomfortable.

WC : 2132

"You are charming, you are everything any women would love to have

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"You are charming, you are everything any women would love to have. You are going to walk up to her and tell her that you like her that's it." Hoseok gives himself speech feeling proud of himself, he picks up his bag flung it over his shoulder and march towards where his horse was standing patiently for him.

Upon seeing his companion, the horse let out a happy noise greeting him. Hoseok smile brightly, a contagious smile that made the sun himself feel a little insecure. He pets the horse affectionately.

The sound of footsteps reaches his ear, hoseok take breath preparing to hear what he heard a thousand times "son, be careful when go there and if the crazy girl tries anything use the weapon"

He turns to his mother "why is it so hard to believe that she is simply just like living in the woods?"

"You are too young and innocent my son" his mother cup his cheeks squishing them making him whines at display of affection "I don't know who is your companion but everything he sell you make us good living so I will let you go"

Hoseok pauses for a minute "yeah .... he is private man?" he said with hesitation

"Come before celebration start, will you?"Hoseok node at his mother and start navigate his hose with a soft grip on its neck.

Unlike everyone hoseok didn't fear the woods, he often find himself yarning to take a walk round the forest. The trees standing tall and proud, sun light gilding through the branches of the trees. The sound of birds and squirrels is something that made hoseok smile something that lots of his villagers find uninteresting. The lake was always crystal clear, remanding him of the tears of mermaid tales that he heard growing up. The silence of woods never frightened him either because he knows there is nothing out there that could harm him.

He always coming up with reasons to go there, maybe the reason behind that is he simply love the forest or maybe because your home is in the forest and it's the only way, he can see you. He used to think that it was the first one but as the time goes, he realized it might be not.How the two of meet was fresh in his memory.

Teen hoseok was rebellious and reckless, as teenager always curious to find out new things and his curious nature resulted in him find the hunter that lives in the woods. His grandmother would gather him and his siblings to tell the story of wild hunter that lives in the wood. He was most dangerous man the town, no one would dare to walk or look his way.

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