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When the first ray sunlight hit you wake up and prepare a little bag to take with you to the royal castle you don't have much just few pair of dress that you sewed and undergarments. Feeling giddy to start a whole new life that, it is as exciting as horrifying you don't know what to expect a part of you want to stay behind with hoseok but other part want you go out and not waste this opportunity maybe in the end it would be worth it.

There were three caravans send by the king for the transportation to the castle, one was already filled with bundle of belongings of the one who was selected. the second and last one occupied with men and women respectively. The chatting of the crowed loud mothers listing how to do proper work how to maintain everything around the kitchen to tips to seduce some wealthy men teasing grins and laugh echoes. The same on other caravans, fathers giving fair well to their sons telling them come back as brave knight with a charming woman beside them.

The three knights watch this from the side they had taken all the precautions to leave they're just waiting for the exchange to end. Ameon had already left complaining how he could not bear to stand anymore on here.

Jungkook glance into opening of woods for minute jimin pats him on the shoulder yoongi sees that "don't be selfish jungkook it's better for her if she didn't come at all" he mumbles.

Jungkook hide his hurt look he knows yoongi means no harm it's his concerns "yeah" he whispers back.

"don't know if the God is cruel or kind" jimin state jungkook frown at him, jimin take his chin and turns him to the side the pout on his lips dissolving when he sees you stands there clenching on your bundle of belongings.

Yoongi watches you with stoic look making you hesitate on your steps jungkook didn't move either, jimin give you charmingly walking towards you not before giving jungkook a mischievous grin. When he reaches you, he smiles softly at you genuinely. "Thought we lost you for a bit"

"Forgive me. I was hoping to say my farewell to hoseok, but he was not home" you glance around the crowed searching for said male but found none.

He takes the belonging from you gesturing you to walk "yeah he is not here either."

When the two you approach the crowed goes silent and hushed whispers arose from the crowed you nod at jungkook and yoongi as walk by them. Jimin secure you belongings on the first caravan people move out the way as if your ill with contagious diseases.

The three-knight exchange look at this yoongi shakes his head at jimin subtly telling him not no anything. Jungkook's displease expressed through the frown on his face. Jimin, motion you get inside the wagon where other girls sitting. When you make way towards them some of the mothers hurriedly motion their daughter sit far away from them making you hesitate to even get inside.

"Uhm... there is no space for another sit sir. "One of the girls speak up chorus of agreement echoes you nervously look around eyes always shifting not wanting to lock on the glares disapproving eyes.

Jimin raise his perfect brow at the statement an obvious lie "I am sure we could find some space for her" he said with polite smile his hands taking your palm other hand pointing inside the caravan.

"it's going to be a long journey it would be better if they are not cramped up" a guy come up beside jimin saying his eyes find your form hiding his disgust he politely smiles at you "maybe you should go back your home, I'm sure they have enough helpers now. They would not be needing you"

Humiliation seep through your skin telling yourself not break a tear to further humiliation when you feel your self tears picking your eyes. Hiding your head down you nod slowly.

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