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It wasn't rare for Mori to call them into his office. Infact, it was pretty common for them to be called here. So, Chuuya was not worried, he expected Mori to give them a mission like always.

Nothing special.

As he and Dazai walked towards Mori's room, Dazai already had his serious expression on his face, so different than his usual childish behaviour.

Dazai pushed the door without knocking, which didn't surprise Chuuya. The boy never knocked anyway.

"Dazai-kun, Chuuya-kun, please sit down." Mori said as they walked towards his desk, Elise was drawing something at the corner. She just sent them a glance before turning back to drawing.

"Why did you call us, Boss?" Chuuya asked, sitting on one of the seats, Dazai sat on the other.

Mori smiled at his question, his usual creepy smile making shivers run down Chuuya's spine. Dazai just scoffed at Mori.

"You see, Chuuya-kun, I need you two to infiltrate somewhere." Mori answered Chuuya's question. His smile still on his face.

"And what is that somewhere Mori-San?" Dazai said, he looked annoyed to be there.

"The hero high school known as U.A. located in Musutafu."

Chuuya's eyes widened at his words, they were going to go outside of Yokohama? Why?

"Why?" Dazai asked the question on Chuuya's mind, he wasn't surprised as Chuuya, but it seemed like he wasn't exactly expecting it either.

"You see Dazai-kun, I heard the villain group, League of Villains were trying to get through the barrier and conquer Yokohama."

"I still don't understand, I am sure we are much stronger than them. Also why do we have to infiltrate U.A?" Chuuya asked, confused.

"I am planning to take them out one by one, and get information on the new generation of heroes as I do so." Mori answered, then he slid a file towards them. Dazai took it and started reading, Chuuya got up and stepped closer to him to get a good look.

"You will be leaving two days from today, and enter the enterance exam which will take place a week from now on."

"I am expecting you to get in 1-A, Chuuya-Kun. Your ability is quite convenient for this year's exam." He looked at Chuuya, his eyes shining.

"And I expect you to get in class 1-B, Dazai-Kun, as your ability won't be much help. I am sure that I can trust you with this." They both nodded.

"Okay, you can leave now. The rest is written on the file." Mori smiled at them once again, resulting in Dazai scoffing him again.

They walked out of Mori's room together. Chuuya got closer to Dazai to see more of the file as they walked.

"Get away a bit, Chibi. You are breathing down my neck like a dog." Dazai pulled the file away, making an annoyed face.

"I'll kick your ass shitty Dazai. Just show me the fucking file!" Chuuya yelled, as usual his anger rising at the smallest jab from Dazai,

"Oh, now you are barking like one too, and you say you're not a dog." Dazai continued, making Chuuya angrier with every word.

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