Lucy's Unwanted Memories

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The old photos made her conscious of her age, of how much time had passed - and of what an upsetting childhood she'd had. Lucy Chen was back in her parents' household standing in their hallway, looking at the photos displayed of her on the walls.

Just looking into the eyes of young Lucy Chen made her shiver slightly. Lucy never wore anything in the pictures that showed too much skin. Her mother always said she was chubby, so Lucy covered up.

To be honest, looking at the pictures made Lucy want to be sick. She remembered all of the mean remarks she would get at home and school. All the times she was teased and was made her parents human experiment since she could talk.

Her mother's new favourite comment was pointing out the D.O.D tattoo that lucy didn't get rid of.


"Why would you want to keep something so ugly? Did you like caleb or something? Do you miss him?" Lucy's mother asked earlier that morning.


"Calm down, Lucy. It seems I have struck a nerve somewhere." Vanessa said, pointing her finger. "You really need to stop with all these screaming fits if you have any chance of finding a husband." She said coldly before walking off.


"Lucy, are you coming to eat or not?" Vanessa snapped from the living room. Lucy pulled her eyes away from the pictures and made her way to the dining area.

"So. Have you got a date for Tina's wedding yet? It's in 2 days." Vanessa asked calmly. Lucy practically choked on her food. "You mean my old best friend Tina? The one that's getting married to my ex-boyfriend after he cheated on me with her for 5 months?" Lucy said, eyes wide.

"Well, have you thought about why he might have done that. I'm just saying with all of these outbursts, no wonder he did..." Vanessa said, trailing off.

Lucy stood up harshly, smacking her for down on the table before collecting her stuff and slamming the door on the way out.

Lucy got to her car and just drove. She didn't even know where...

When she came back to her senses, she was sitting in the car outside of Tim's. Reluctantly, she forced herself to get out of the car. She walked up Tim's drive to his front door.

She knocked twice, and eventually Tim answered. "Uh hey?" Tim said, confused. Lucy was still all dressed up with a full face of makeup. "Can I ask a favour?" Lucy asked shyly.


2 days later.
Lucy walked into the church in her emerald green dress with a bright red lipstick. Her date was wearing a smart suit with stiled hair.

As Tina walked down the Isle, she gave lucy a dirty look. But turned her face forward slightly as soon as tim shot her date shot her one back. She smiled to Vanessa before turning her attention to where her soon to be husband was standing.

Lucy was sitting with her mum on her left side, followed by her dad, then Tim on the other side. Lucy turned to tim with a smile. "Thanks," she whispered only loud enough for him to hear. "No problem," Tim says, chuckiling slightly.

After the ceremony, Vanessa pulled lucy aside. "Wow. I must say you did well with that one." Vanessa said, looking Tim up and down. "Thank you, mum." Lucy said, beeming with Pride.

Tim held out his hand as he came up to lucy. "May I have this dance?" He asked very posh and gentleman-like. "Mhmmm. Im not sureee." Lucy said, teasing. Tim's face dropped slightly. "Oh, come on, bradford," Lucy said, tugging him by the arm onto the dance floor.

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