Liar, Liar Pants On Fire!

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"Liar, liar pants on fire!" Jackson said, folding his arms. "I do not like Officer Bradford," Lucy assured him. "Mummy says you should never lie!" Jack said to Lucy, pouting. For some reason, Lucy had agreed to babysit Jackson for Angela and Wesley.

"Im not lying, Jack! He's my boss! Plus, he's with ashely!" Lucy said, trying to reason with him again. "Hmmmmm. That's not what mummy and daddy said! They said it was obvious you to like each other! My two favourite people apart from mummy and daddy are going to date." Jack said, running off giggling.

Jack was a spitting image of angela. Same cockiness and the same giggle. His hair had grown quite long, and his tanned skin had grown lighter. He had his fathers eyes, but his mothers' smile. He was turning 7 soon and was quiet bright for his age.

"Get back here, you little -" Lucy said, running after Jack, quickly scooping him up and ticking him. "S-s-stop aunty Lucy!" Jack said, squealing. Lucy stopped as the door was opened, and angela and wesley were revealed. Jack immediately ran up to angela and said, "Aunty Lucy keeps tickling me! Ans she's a liar liar pants on fire!" Jack said, pointing his finger at Lucy.

Angela chuckled, picking Jack up. "How is she a liar?"Angela asked with a twinkle in her eye. "She said she doesn't like Timmy, but I dont believe her!" Jack said with an accusing tone in his voice. Angela burst into a fit of giggles.

Wesley took Jack upstairs, and angela turned to lucy, snorting slightly. "If my 6 year old can see there's something going on between you to and you can't then maby we need to book you two a specsavers appointment. Goodnight Lucy!" Angela said, shooing her out the door chuckiling. "I don't like Tim!" Lucy called back as she headed to her car. Wow, she really was a liar liar pants on fire, angela though giggling. They both were.

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