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The next day, Yoojin rushed to the hospital before Youngbin could corner her. When she stood over Sooho's body in the hospital bed, she broke down. She hated visiting the hospital, yet she had already been there twice that year. Once for Youngbin, which wasn't as bad, and now for Sooho, which was critical. They didn't know when or if he would wake up.

She didn't leave his side for hours. Before lunchtime, Youngbin came in to find his sister studying on Sooho's hospital bed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked with a sigh. "You should be at school. Come on, let's go."

"Not yet. I don't want to leave him all alone," Yoojin refused.

Youngbin stared at his sister, slumped next to the unconscious boy. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"Yoojin, is this what Sooho would want you to do?" the boy asked her.

She bit her lip, trying not to cry again. Even just thinking about Sooho not existing anymore was painful. But Youngbin was right – Sooho was a selfless person and would want her to live life to its fullest.

"No," she admitted. "But he's so lonely."

She looked up at her brother with sorrowful eyes, the kind that could rival Puss in Boots.

"I'll call Sieun, and he can stay here for a bit. You guys can take turns keeping him company. Just leave it to me and focus on yourself," Youngbin suggested.

He didn't want to talk to Sieun, but it was the only idea he could think of to make his sister go to school. That seemed to do the trick as Yoojin agreed. They took school off that day, but Yoojin just went to study in her room, avoiding her twin. Even though Youngbin didn't actively hurt Sooho, doing nothing was just as bad. Yoojin also tried to draw but her mind was blank, so she just studied like a robot.

The next day, she finally managed to go to school, and she somehow succeeded in avoiding Wooyoung for the first half. Yoojin decided to concentrate on herself for a while, even ignoring Sieun and Youngyi that week. During lunchtime, she hid in the art classroom. It was one of her go-to places when she needed to escape.

She sat in the middle, staring at her most recent painting – a nearly completed forest with a wandering girl. As always, Yoojin loved producing scenery and floral artworks. She was inspired by the way she could creatively express the emotions of flowers and how brush strokes could be so beautiful in their words. They were also usually very calming. 

Yoojin picked up the brush and continued the delicate lines of the trees. Wooyoung probably wouldn't come here but there had been a few instances when he'd sit with her and watch her paint during lunch. She smiled as she remembered his breath near her neck. In the old, beige art room filled with tables, chairs and canvases on stands, the paint brightened up the room. He had told her that her art was mesmerising, and she should go to an art school, instead of being a lawyer or doctor like her parents wanted. She even taught him how to draw a bit.

She shook her head, trying not to think about Wooyoung. That proved difficult when he entered the room, searching for someone. His gaze finally met Yoojin's. She didn't know what to do but she couldn't run away forever. Wooyoung did the wise thing and started with an apology.

"Yoojin, I'm sorry," he moved closer to her slowly. "I know I shouldn't have done that. I made a mistake. I didn't listen to you, and I betrayed your trust."

Yoojin carefully stood up, getting a better level to let it all out. Her gaze was hard, and her voice raised in emotion.

"I'm glad you know that you did wrong. Do you know what happened to Sooho? He's in the hospital right now. He could be," Yoojin sucked in a breath. "They don't know when or even if he'll wake up. You could be a murderer."

His Reason to Fight (Weak Hero Class 1)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu