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[Third POV]

Silva began to hear her Lieutenant call out orders and she knew that Mandrake was here. She could hear the sound of Mandrake's blight staff cracking the ground. She watched as some of the plants around her died.

"Oo! This must be the delivery room." Mandrake said.

"Whoa! Boy, are you lost! Down the hall, make a left, and, uh, then when you see the janitor with a weird eye--" Nim started to rant.

"Shut up!" Mandrake yelled, he pushed Nim to the side and quickly spotted Silva on the ground next to the Pod.

"Ah, Silva. What a pleasant surprise." He smiled at her.

She growled at him, seething with both anger and pain. He continued to smile as he looked up at the Pod. "My dark prince." He reached out for the Pod. "Come to Daddy."

"I don't think it likes you."

A voice rang out behind them. A familiar voice that Silva thought she'd never hear again.

"Ronin..." Silva breathed out, turning to look at him.

"You know how many Boggans I had to fight to get here? Seriously, I lost count." He joked, unsheathing his sword. "Well, what's one more?"

Silva wanted to reach out and grab him but she knew that he needed to deal with Mandrake first. He quickly jumped over the Pod pool and swung at Mandrake, beginning to fight him.

Silva crawled to the other side of the pool to try to watch the fight. She worked her way around before leaning against the side of the pool again.

"This time," Mandrake growled, "when I leave you for dead, you'll stay that way!" He hit Ronin in the chest with his staff, sending him flying backward.

"No..." Silva gasped, seeing the blight burning a mark on the armor. Mandrake rushed covered and stepped on his chest, preventing him from getting up.

"What's that little saying you people have? 'Lots of leaves,' something-something? Very inspiring." He raised his staff over his head. "But in the end, every leaf falls and dies alone."

Mandrake brought his staff down on Ronin. "No!" Silva screamed with all the energy she had left.

However, his staff never hit him. A sword intercepted the blow. Ronin looked up and saw Nod there, in his Leafman uniform. "No one is alone." He said, pushing his staff back away from Ronin.

A squadron of Leafmen dropped from the ceiling, backing up Nod. "Not even him." Nod said as Ronin got up and held his sword next to him.

Silva, seeing that Ronin was going to be okay, breathed a sigh of relief. Her world quickly became blurry and her body went limp. The Moonlight began to return as MK's Dad drove all of the bats away. The Pod exploded with light and began to bloom in the moonlight.

Mandrake let out a yell and tried to strike the ground but Nod and Ronin caught his staff with their swords. As he fought to get close, they both pushed back. As it was two against one, Mandrake began to slide back, the force of Ronin and Nod pushing him out.

The Pod exploded with power once more and Ronin and Nod gave a hard shove, sending him flying out of the castle. The wave of the Pod's magic forced him even further, driving him into a tree where he landed with his blight staff, making it break and consume him in blight. All that was left was a tree knot that quickly mossed over.

Mandrake was finished.

The Pod's magic boomed once more, creating a storm in the sky that rocked the entire forest. Rain began to fall, healing all the blight that Mandrake and his Boggans had caused. The forest slowly came back to life.

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