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Rory was sat in yet another detention with Umbridge after accidentally knocking her book off of the table during her lesson. Fred had tried to argue that it was an accident but she told him to let it go which he reluctantly did.

"You got a detention for that" James looks at her.

"Right I want you to continue to write the same thing as last time please" Umbridge said in her overly sweet voice.

"How long for" She asks showing no emotion.

"Until I think you've learned your lesson. You can start now" Rory picks up the quill and starts writing 'I am an abomination of nature and I need to respect the Ministry' over and over again. After 4 hours Umbridge speaks again "Hand" She holds her hand out for her as she grabs it inspecting the handy work of the blood quill. "Very good I think you've learned your lesson this time, you may go" Rory grabs her things leaving her office quickly.

"4 hours for dropping a book" Lily looks shocked.

Rory reaches the common room at the same time as the twins who were both walking weird and winced with every movement. 

"What's wrong with them" Hermione asks confused as Rory laughs slightly before telling her.

"When they were testing one of their new products it resulted in painful boils in places you definitely don't want them." The hall fills with sympathetic winces.

"I think a few of mine have ruptured," Fred said in a hollow voice as they reached Rory.

"Mine haven't," George said, wincing. "They're throbbing like mad, feel bigger if anything"

"You two okay" Rory asks.

"Hey Ror, we're great. Just spent hours on a broom" Fred says.

"Ouch" She winces at the thought.

"Yep. How was detention" George asks trying to see her hand which is currently covered. She shows him it before covering it again and entering the common room.

"It's wasn't the worst detention with her" She tells them as they take a seat in one of the corners, both twins taking extra care as they sit.

"We need to do something about her" Fred mutters.

"Like what Freddie, the Minister put her here himself" Rory tells him.

The adults all glare at the younger Fudge.

"I know" Just as she says this Harry and Ron climb through the portrait hole. They both took a seat near the fire pulling out what homework as Rory turns back to the twins.

"You coming Ror" George asks.


"To our dorm to work on some products" Fred says looking at her slightly concerned.

"Sorry zoned out and yeah" She follows them up to their dorm where Lee's already waiting. They spend a few hours on various products and Rory eventually falls asleep on Georges bed where she had been laid watching them and giving little bits of input every so often.

"See I slept there a lot in the last two years of school" Rory tells her dad who just smiles.

"Rory" She groans opening her eyes slightly to look at Fred he has a pile of clothes that he hands her "Asked Angie to grab you some clean uniform. Go have a quick shower and we'll head down for breakfast"

"Thanks Freddie" She takes the pile of clothes and heads to the boys bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready. She meets the boys in the common room before they all head to breakfast. It's not long before Harry, Ron and Hermione join them.

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