DH 4

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Rory wakes with a slight groan, the brightness making her head hurt.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" She looks over at a smiling George, a bandage covering his head.

"Oh my god, are you okay" She sits up and looks at him.

"Seriously you've just woken up and you're worried about George" Ginny says shaking her head with a smile.

"Of course I was, he's one of my best friends"

"Really you've been unconscious for over 12 hours and your first thoughts are whether I'm okay" He laughs slightly before coming to sit beside her.

"Well are you"

"I lost an ear, curtesy of Snape but I'm fine atleast I'm not dead"

"Bloody Snape. Please tell me you made a 'I'm holy' joke"

"I did, finally someone who gets my humor" he smirks at her.

"Who didn't find it funny"

"Fred, he said of all the jokes I did that one"

"I'll punch him for you, that jokes brilliant" Rory looks at him again before being more serious "I'm glad you're okay" he wraps his arms around her.

"I'm glad you're okay as well, you scared us all with how much blood you lost"

"It was the only way I could keep Bill safe, just repaying the favour after he saved me from Greyback" George pulls her into a tighter hug "Did anyone else get hurt"

"Mad-Eye didn't make it, but everyone else made it back safely only me and you got injured" Rory nods as Charlie walks in.

"I died"

"Yeah Mundungus got scared and apparated leaving you alone" Harry tells Mad-Eye.

"Nova you're awake" he walks over as George gets up to leave.

"I'll let everyone know she's awake"

"Thanks George" Charlie says before sitting beside Rory "How do you feel"

"I feel fine, just a bit tired that's all"

"Nova you need to stop using your powers, that's the second time they've made you bleed"

"I don't try to use them for that exact reason Charlie, but I couldn't fight that many spells with my wand so I did the only thing I knew would work to protect me and Bill"

"I know you did baby" he wraps his arms around her as he lays down, pulling her with him so her heads resting on his chest.

"George told me about Mad-Eye"

"Yeah, Bill and Remus went to try and recover his body but they didn't have any luck finding it"

"Was I ever found"

"If you were the Ministry kept it quiet" Hermione says looking at him.

Rory was sat at the breakfast table with Ron and Harry.  Mr. Weasley, Charlie and Bill had just left for work. Mrs. Weasley had gone upstairs to wake Hermione and Ginny, while Fleur had drifted off to take a bath.

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