Second Year

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"I can't wait for next year, we get to go too" Harry said looking at Ron whilst they all walked through Kings cross for Rory and the twins second year, Percy's fourth and Charlies fifth.

"Excited Nova for another year" Charlie asks walking beside her.

"Very although its going to be weird without Bill this year and what about you Mr Prefect, you going to try putting me in detention or you going to be like Bill and pretend you never saw anything" 

"That depends"

"On what"

"How much you annoy me"

"That's not fair, I love annoying you it's the only time I talk to you" 

"You know you can talk to me whenever without having to be annoying" 

"Yeah because every fifth year wants a second year talking to them all the time" Rory raises an eyebrow at him. 

"If it's you I'll make an exception" 

"You're going to regret saying that Charlie. I'm going to talk to you every single time I see you from now on" They both laugh as the Weasleys and Potters start going through the barrier in pairs. Rory goes through with Charlie. 

"Right Rory, please try and be good this year" Lily says as she hugs her daughter.

"I'm always good mum" Charlie hears her and lets out a small laugh.

"Have a good year Wolf. We'll see you all at Christmas" James says as he hugs his daughter and whispers in her ear "Sirius said have fun but try not to get caught" Rory smiles.

"I will dad" She hugs him again "I love you Dad" 

"I love you too sweetheart" He kisses her on the top of the head before letting her go with the twins to find Lee. 

"Lee" Rory shouts as she sees him, he looks at her and smiles before hugging her.

"Hey guys, good summer?" They all sit down in the empty compartment that Lee had managed to find.

"Standard summer really, spent a lot of time with these two" Rory said point at the twins.

"Made loads of plans for pranks though" Fred added once Rory had finished talking. 

"Yeah and Bill's moved to Egypt to be a curse breaker" George finished.

"That's so cool" Lee exclaimed.

"It is, but it's going to be weird him being so far away now we just have Charlie and Percy at school" Fred said.

"Hey I'm not that bad" Charlie said smirking from the doorway.

"Hello Mr Prefect, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company" 

"Is that just going to be my new name now Nova" She nods with a smile on her face "And to answer your question I'm doing my Prefect duties quickly but thought I'd check on you lot quickly" 

"We're not doing anything promise Charlie" 

"Yet" The twins whisper. Charlie smiles.

"I'll see you lot in a bit" 

"Bye Charlie" They all say in unison as he leaves.

Quidditch try out's

"Rory guess what" Fred says excitedly as Rory comes down from the girls dorm.


"The Gryffindor team need two new beaters. Charlie just told us and we're going to try out"

"That's awesome guys" 

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