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"Hey Georgie" Rory said as she flung herself onto his bed next to him.

"Hey Rory"

"You excited about the opening?"

"Yeah also nervous" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't be. The shops great and you'll be great too"

"Thanks Rory. Honestly couldn't ask for a better friend and I don't know how I'm going to survive when you go to Romania" He hugs her.

"I'll be back all the time and you can come to me whenever you want Georgie" She hugs him back. "Right I'm going to the Burrow to see Mama Bear and Ginny for a while. You coming?"

"Nah I'll see her tomorrow or something"

"Okay bye Georgie" She kissed his cheek quickly before finding Fred and doing the same. She apparated to the Burrow and found Bill outside feeding the chickens. "Hey Pillock" he stood up to give her a quick hug.

"Hey Rory wanna help" he holds out the chicken feed to her.

"Of course" She takes some of the feed and starts throwing it to the ground as he does the same.

"Mum's going to be happy you're here" She looks at him confused.


"Two reasons. 1 she loves you, you're like her extra child and 2 Fleurs here"

"Oh take it shes still not a fan of her's"


"It'll get better Pillock just give it some time. You're her baby boy no one will be good enough for you"

"She likes you"

"Actually she loves me but she's known me since I was born that's the difference"

"Good point and you were a cute baby" He smirks at her as they finish feeding the chickens before heading in "Mum look who I found" Bill calls out as Molly comes running to her son.

"Rory, hello dear"

"Hey Mama Bear" She pulls Rory into a hug as Ginny comes running in as well.

"Rory" Ginny throws herself at her as soon as Molly lets her go.

"Hey Gin miss me?"

"Of course I have. You're the only girl around her that understands my awesomeness" 

"Well it's because I'm so awesome as well" They both laugh as Bill and Molly roll their eyes at them with a small smile.

"Right come on tea" Molly grabs Rory's arm pulling her to the kitchen and making her sit down before busying herself with making cups of tea. Rory notices Fleur standing by the door.

"Hey Fleur"

"Hello Aurora" She smiles at Rory.

"You can call me Rory" She tells her just as Molly hands her a cup of tea "Thank you Mama Bear"

"Are you staying dear" Molly asks sitting opposite her.

"I was just going to go home"

"Rory come on stay please, Ron's at yours with Harry" Ginny begs.

"Alright I'll stay for you Gin" 



"Fred, George" Charlie calls the twins as he apparates to their flat.

"What's up Charlie" George asks.

"I need you two to distract Rory tomorrow all day" 

"Why?" Fred asks raising his brow.

"I'm going to ask her to marry me you idiots but I need her distracted whilst I sort stuff out" Fred and George smirk at each other "Can you do it or not" Charlie asks looking between them.

"We sure can. We've got some stock checking we need to get done so she can help with that" George says as Fred nods.

"Thank you" The following day the twins keep Rory busy like they told Charlie they would whilst he gets everything sorted with the help of Bill. Rory was sat with the twins in their old room at the Burrow checking their inventory with them. There's a sudden knock on the door distracting them from the products.

"Nova can you come with me for a minute" Charlie says walking towards her, his hand held out for her to take. The twins share a quick smile before looking back at the products. 

"Sure" Rory grabs his hand as he pulls her up and they start heading threw the house and towards the lake behind the Weasleys home. They reach the lake to find it's been decorated with lilies, roses and fairy lights. "What's going on" Charlie pulls her to the same spot where they first kissed before getting on one knee. Rory looks at him in slight shock.

"Aurora Nova Potter. You are a pain in my arse most of the time. You care about everyone which is just one of the many things I love about you. You're funny even if you should be banned from the twins sometimes. This is the spot where we admitted our feelings for each other and where I asked you to be my girlfriend and now I want it to be the spot you agree to be my wife. Nova I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" She nods slightly before answering him.

"Yes" He places the ring on her finger before standing and pulling her to him, his lips meeting hers just as they hear cheers all around them as all the others appear including Rory's parents, Remus and Sirius. Charlie lets her go so he can hug his mother whilst James grabs his daughter and hugs her.

"My baby's growing up" He says hugging her along with Lily. Sirius and Remus watch them with a smile remembering how they had missed their daughters wedding the first time. Remus is the next to hug Rory.

"I'm so happy for you Wolf" He whispers.

"Thanks Moony" He lets her go as Sirius replaces him.

"If he ever hurts you we'll make his death look like an accident" He winks at her making her laugh before she hugs him. Molly's the next person to hug her.

"You're finally going to be my daughter officially. I'm so happy right now" She has tears in her eyes as the twins grab Rory both hugging her at the same time.

"You two twats knew" She said to them as they smirk at her.

"Yep why do you think we kept finding things to do today" Fred starts before George finishes for him.

"Had to keep you busy didn't we" He winks at her before she hugs them both again. Bill's the last to hug me.

"Now I'm going to be stuck with you as a sister" He smirk at her.

"That's just rude Pillock, you love me"

"Right can I have my Fiancé back now" Rory smiles at his words as Bill releases her to Charlie.

"You're completely mad Rory" Fred shouts from behind her.

"Have to be I've been friends with you for years"

"That's just mean Aurora Potter soon to be Weasley" He smirks at her as she rolls her eyes at him. Everyone else heads back to the house leaving Rory alone with Charlie. He pulls her to him, his hands on her waist.

"I love you Nova Potter" He kisses her as she wraps her arms around his neck after a minute they pull apart "I'm so glad you said yes" Rory pulls him in for another kiss before they head back inside where the others are all waiting.

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