Chapter No 4 Rustle in woods?

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I could have been raped, I could have been killed or, worse, I could have become a target, a rogue, a slow torture.

I gulped and slowly swam back to the shore.

I grabbed my clothes and started wearing them while looking around. My hair was all damp and sticky, making my clothes wet as well. I had long curly dark brown hair, Welma says I got my hair from my mom. She was the most beautiful woman in the pack.

I moved my fingers in my soggy hair and the cold breeze touched my body, making me shiver. I was feeling cold. If I had my wolf inside me I would have felt warmer. I was more like a human.

I felt the rustle again and I looked around. The fear was dancing in my eyes.

Did I make the wrong decision tonight?

"Listen. What are you up to? I don't care but leave me alone, I ain't give a shit," I said, trying to look strong, but deep down I was shaking.

Just then I looked up and gasped.

"Who, Who are you?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

He growled.

"No, No, stay away," I said while taking a few steps back.

That's it; I will be killed by this rogue.

All I could see were blue eyes and they were looking heavenly attractive. Whoever he/she was, they got their eye color in their wolf form.

The aura of that wolf feared me. It was dark, even the moonlight was hiding the wolf in the shadow.

I gulped again and turned to leave when I heard a loud howl that made me stop. I looked back and the wolf was nowhere now, but his/her howl was so powerful that made my heart stop for a while. There were traces of pain in that howl as well. I screamed and ran as fast as I could without looking back.

I ran towards my house and climbed up on the window through the pipe. Luckily, no one noticed me despite the fact that I screamed.

I was taking deep breaths.

"Whoa, I, I almost lost myself," I said, panting.

"If father came to know about this, he would kill me for sure," I thought and fell on my bed.

"What have I done? I have grabbed the attention of a rogue," I thought while closing my eyes.

Just then, I heard the same howl again and two blue eyes appeared in front of me again.

I opened my eyes with a knock on my door. I got there instantly and looked around. It was morning already. I fell asleep last night while thinking about the incident that happened in the woods.

The knock on the door was instantaneous. I got up, my head was throbbing. I opened the door and Selena was staring at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You are sleeping, it is 12 in noon already, we have to go to the saloon, have you forgotten?" she asked, annoyed.

"Listen, you know how to do a makeover, why don't you...." I was about to complete my sentence when she abruptly interrupted me.

"You are the upcoming luna of both packs, you should behave like one," she said, irritated.

I rolled my eyes.

"I am coming, will you wait?" I asked, annoyed.

She gave a sigh and turned towards the other room. I shut the door and walked towards the attached shower in my room.

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