Chapter No 12 The Red glimpse

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"Ember dear," she was sitting in her room and thinking about her unexpected future when she received a mindlink from Hazel.

"Yes Luna," she said.

"I want you here in my room. Please come sooner," Hazel said.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah everything is fine," Hazel said.

She took a deep breath and touched her stomach.

"Alexa, are we able to hide it all?" She asked.

"I think so, for more few months, I could able to do it," her wolf mumbled.

She took another deep breath and got up.


"What is it Hazel dear? Why have you called the meeting so sooner," asked grace. Grace and Richard have stepped down from there duties since ten years and now they were enjoying their years with their  grand children.

"Yeah, are we going to switch pack duties sooner?" Asked Elis. He is Jacob and Tyler's cousin and Caleb and willow's father. He rules North-ivy pack after he recover from the trance of scared stone.

"Where is Jacob?" asked Hazel. She seemed so stress.

"Are you okay Hazel?" asked Elis.

"Uncle Elis, please call everyone, I really need to talk," she said.

Elis went worried because something was off about her.

"Jacob is on the way, Hazel, please tell me what is it?" He asked again.

She turned towards the table and grabbed a letter from the surface of the pile of files.

Elis grabs the letter and after going through it his expression changed.

"This is clearly a thread Hazel, how could they dare to threat riverstone?" He said clenching his teeth.

"The gifted wolf in our pack are already in danger," Althea said worried.

The door opened and Althea and Tyler got in followed by Eden and Jacob.

"What happened honey? You seemed so tensed? Everything okay?" Asked Tyler and he and Althea rushed towards her while Eden hugged her.

"Mom, dad, they are coming. They are coming to get him, they are coming to him," she muttered.

"Hazel, relax honey," Althea said and hugged her. The past trauma made her so weak that she always get panic easily.

Eden kissed her forehead.

Tyler was bitting his lower lip. Seeing his daughter like this always make him feel guilty.

After a while she felt relax. She took a deep breath.

"Now tell me honey, what is it?" Althea mumbled.

"They are going to attack us soon," said Alpha Elis. Both Tyler and Althea turns towards him and looked at him confused.

"The Rogues, they are after us," he added.

Tyler clutches his teeth. "They are no longer rogues but an abomination led by him," said Tyler angrily.

Grace fell uneasy on the words regarding "Him,".

Richard felt her uneasiness and hugged her.

"Hey honey, its okay," he said.

"They are after gifted wolves Tyler and that put our pack on dangerous side," said Alpha Althea.

"We need to secure our patrolling even more. No longer more rogues would be accepted sooner until full security assurance," said Tyler.

"But dad, he is after him, he is after my boy, my Damon," said Hazel, crying.

Tyler walks towards her and hugged her.

"No one would hurt my grandson as long as I am here," he mumbled.

The door opened and Jacob walked in.

"Tyler, Althea, we have bad news" he said.

She turned towards him.

"Uncle Jacob, what is it?" She asked.

"Omega's daughter Nina is missing," he said.

Althea gasped.

"Nina? Oh my God poor girl," she said while putting her hand one her chest.

"When did it happened?" Tyler asked, clenching his teeth.

"This morning," said Jacob.

"Jacob, seal the pack," said Eden while rushing out.

"Where are you going?" Grace asked.

"Mom, I am going for looking for my idiotic son and I am afraid he must be somewhere totally unsafe, and right now he is most in the danger," he said.

Grace took a deep breath.


"Do you think? It will be work like this?" He heard her most alive voice in his head.

He chuckled.

"Come on Kylie, please don't, " he said and she was trying to seduce him so that he could turn in his wolf in front of her.

"Come on my animal, show it to me," he said.

She said touching his shoulder and kissing his neck. He chuckled.

"The animal wants you," he said and kissed her.

She chuckled.

"Why don't you show yourself to me? I want to see your wolf," she said.

He took a deep breath.

"Because my darling, I don't want to hurt you. Never in my life," he said, kissing her.

"But I know you won't hurt me," she said. He smiled.

Just then she started fading away.
"Kylie," he called for her. Anxiety started hitting his chest.

"Damon, don't let me go," she said and then she had gone.

"Kylie," he mumbled and then he touched the place where she was sitting few minutes ago.

"Kylie," he called for her again and the he started looking ahead. This was pain he was suffering from since two years.

Two years, it has been two years he lost her, he lost something that was too close to him.

He was staring at the pool ahead of him, a lonely swan was swimming in there.

Just the someone touched his shoulder. He looked up. It was Eden.

"Dad?" He whispered.
Eden sat with him.

"I knew I would have found here," Eden said. He remained quiet.

"You need to be strong now. You are our future," said Eden.

He smiled and his eyes seemed dead.

"Come on, we need to go home, it is not safe here," he asked.

Damon looks at him confused.

"Dad, what do you.." he was about to complete his sentence when something hit his shoulder.

He felt his senses were about to get mauve. Eden got up and looked around two wolfs in their human form were there to get them.

"Dad," Damon grunted. He was feeling   sharp pain in his arm. He tried to get up in order to help his father who was fight but his vision blur. He fell on the ground when he saw someone approaching her.

The red hair were falling on his face and after that he lost the consciousness.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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