Chapter 14 *Sandwich

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Romeo fold his arm and smiled at her childish behaviour seriously did she think he didn't see her, he was in the dark all along, silently looking at her. He knew she switched off the light because of him.

He walked to her and place one of his hand on the wall trapping her there.

"It's so cold tonight and I really want some cuddling, are you in?

Hannah became nervous, cuddling what does he mean by that?.

"I don't understand you" she said and tried to move away from him but Romeo place both his hands on her hips.

"Rule No 2 in the contract you signed states that you will do as I say, anytime at all, so tonight I want some cuddling".

Oh goodness! He is so cunning, he used the contract against her.

Romeo took her face in between his hands and pulled her closer to him. Does he want to kiss her?

"Romeo what are you doing?

"I don't know, I just want to be close to you like this, that's what my heart wants. He looked at her wet lips and wanted to kiss her.

"Romeo don't do it, I don't want to"


Hannah doesn't want to allow any intimacy if Romeo can't accept to tell her he loves her and if he is still in love with Rosella, she don't wanna be the other woman like a side chick.

"Nothing", she moved back and went to bed. Romeo stood there wondering whether Hannah does not like him the way he does. He shook the thought off and also went to bed.

***In the morning ***

Romeo phone rang and he opened his eyes and gently took it.

"Hello" he said in a sleepy tone.

"Mr Romeo you should come to the station right now, something came up with the kidnappers and it's really serious".

"Alright I'll be with you shortly".

He hanged up the phone and stared at Hannah sleeping face. He went to the kitchen and thought of cooking something for her before she wakes up.

When he was done with the food he placed a note beside her bed.
"Eat your food and take your medication, I might stay out long today, don't wait for me and be a good girl".

He got into his car and drove off to the police station.

The police officer and his men were looking at the cell of the kidnappers they have all been killed before morning, it's looks like they have been poisoned.

Romeo car pulled off in front of the police station, he put on his sunglasses and walked in with his hand in his pocket.

Immediately the officer saw him, they greeted him respectfully as he walked pass them.

"What's going on here" Romeo asked.

The officers turned around and the captain went to him.

"They all died before morning and it's looks like they were all poisoned. We will take them for postmortem."

Romeo moved closer and peek at the dead bodies. How on earth did this happen? How can people be poisoned in the police custody!.

"I just can't believe this, how will they get killed! Who killed them? I want to see the CCTV footage of this whole situation right now".

Romeo and the captain went to check the footage but it has been deleted.

Romeo breath out and hit the table out of frustration. He is so close to getting the truth but now his only hope is gone. But No he won't give up, he has to find the truth.

"Take them for the postmortem and hand over the result to me"

"Alright Mr Romeo we will do as you've said.

Romeo went to his office and started thinking about how to get the truth.

***At Romeo's mansion***

Hannah opened her eyes and use her hand to touch the bed trying to find something. She looked beside her and saw Romeo was gone.

She yawned lazily and rub her eyes with her hands. Oh why won't Romeo even wake her up before going anywhere! Her eyes landed on the note beside her.

She took the note and read it with a smile. She put the note on her chest as she kept smiling.

"I love you Romeo, I love you so much" she said and kissed the note.

Hannah went to the bathroom to take her bath, she came back to the room and put on a sleeveless dress.

She opened her drawer and brought out her phone to dial Romeo's number.

She picked up the sandwich and was eating it as she was putting a call through Romeo.

"Hey" Romeo answered the call almost immediately.

"Hey big guy, why didn't you wake me up when you wanted to leave"?, She said in between her mouth full.

"I just don't want to disturb your sleep and besides you look so cute when sleeping, I just don't have the heart to wake the sleeping beauty up" Romeo said as he turned his office chair around and was pinching his nails like a child.

Hannah took a big bite from the sandwich and smiled at his words, she was as red as a tomato.

"Thank you for the breakfast, it's so delicious, I haven't have anyone cook for me for a long time, thank you"

"You are welcome anytime, what are you doing right now by the way?

Hannah sat down and crossed both her legs, she took the pillow and place it on her laps and put the sandwich plate on the pillow. She took the sandwich and took a bite from it.

"I'm eating the sandwich you made, can you hear that" Hannah munched the food loudly for him to hear.

"Oh alright, have you use your drugs?

"I will take it on one condition, Romeo please can I go out, I just want to go sight seeing that's all please!!!

"No Hannah, stay at home, I can't allow you go out there" his voice was serious.

"Please, I promise to be careful this time and I will always call you and I won't go alone I will go with the bodyguards please".

Fine on one condition!!

"What" Hannah asked.

"I will let you go only if you can give me a kiss over the phone.

Hannah choked on the food and coughed out loudly and Romeo couldn't help but laugh.

Just then Romeo secretary walked in and saw him blushing like a girl.
What's wrong with sir? Is he sick or what?

Wait don't tell me he has a girlfriend!

Romeo looked at his secretary who was staring at him as if she has just seen a ghost


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