Chapter 30 ★I love you

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When cooper pushed the doctor in, Melissa almost fainted and panicked as if she just saw a ghost.

Hannah brought out the abortion pill and showed it to Melissa.
Melissa felt like fainting when she saw it. How did Hannah get her hand on this?.

“Doctor can you please tell everyone what this pill is used for and how it got to our house” Cooper asked on behalf of Hannah.

The Doctor explained everything that happened to everyone. After he was done explaining, Susan couldn’t believe this, Melissa aborted the baby. She quickly brought out her inhaler and used it.

Romeo looked at Hannah with so much surprise, he can’t believe his little puppy was able to do all this on her own without telling him about it but he was also angry, what if something had happened to her in the process!! He will definitely scold her later.

That’s not all, the doctor said and continued "she also came to my office a few days back and shot me with a gun because she doesn’t want me to expose her secrets.”

“Yes, Sir is absolutely right, I saw miss Melissa a few days back pointing a gun to the doctor and shot him in his stomach” the nurse chipped in.
Susan fell down from the sofa to the floor, she couldn’t believe that her soon to be daughter in law could use a gun!, her daughter is a murderer and also a shooter.

Melissa felt weak and powerless, she thought she has really gotten rid of all evidence but everything came out of Hannah.
She just hate her. She rushed to her and tried to attack her but Romeo grabbed her hand and threw her to the floor.

“You won’t learn your lesson will you, how dare you try to attack Hannah again”?

“Yes I will attack her, all my problems are because of her. She always have the best of everything ever since she was a child, I got nothing not even a dad but you have the love of both your parents and I have hated you ever since we were children, I hate you so much” Melissa said.
Hannah just shook her head as tears stream down her eyes.

“Miss Melissa, the police are here you can finally go and take a really good rest where you actually belong” Cooper said looking at Melissa with disgust.

“Wait! There’s still one more secret yet to be revealed”.

“You and you” Romeo said pointing at Susan and Sam, both of you will need to accompany Melissa to prison"

“Romeo what are you saying, are you sure you are okay" Sam said a little bit pissed off.

“Do you think I’m joking", he asked

“Why would we go to prison when we have committed no offense" susan asked.

“Okay, lemme make it clear to you” Romeo said.
No 1 offense, you both kidnapped Hannah.

No 2 offense, you took an innocent person to the prison without any evidence of her being guilty.

“Though i could have forgiven both of you if those were the only offenses you committed but hell NO! You guys wanted to get rid of me and old Edward just because you want to own all the properties, right?

Susan rushed to where old Edward sat. “Honey, can you imagine what your son is saying about me?, you know I can never do such a thing, I love you so much that I can’t even hurt you, Please tell your son to stop all these dramas ” Susan said shedding crocodile tears.

“You don’t even have evidence so nobody can believe you” Sam said confidently though he was scared a little bit, what If Romeo really has evidence against them.

“Do you think I’m a fool like you, I don’t go out there accusing people without evidence. Cooper?

“Yes??, anything for you sir”

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