part- 16

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Jackson,yoongi,hobi,Tae went closer to the door and yoongi slowly opened the door and looked outside to see if there is any zoombie left in the building then  he said..

Yoongi: looks like there are no zombies left all clear....

Eunwoo: ok let's go outside one by one and Kookie hold the baby carefully Tae you will be behind Kookie and yoongi can you be at the front to see if Tae and Kookie need help....

Yoongi: fine with me

Tae: okay let's go

Eunwoo: wait guys except Kookie, Tae , yoongi and Lucas everyone is going to be at the front ok

Jackson: fine but let's go we can't keep hold the zombies for long hurry

Hobi: ok let's go

Everyone slowly starting to get out of the room and started walking in the hallway way to the terrace   when they were climbing the stairs to the door to terrace suddenly the baby started to crying loudly and the music also stopped a zombie caught the attention of the crying baby and they hurriedly Open the door to the terrace and started going in the the terrace when it was Tae turn the zombie was only few steps away .....

Sorry for grammar mistakes

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