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When the they are sitting in the truck and was about to start they didn't notice one person is already infected and was attracted to kookie blood he was trying to control but couldn't and attacked kookie


Tae punched him but that person already turned to a zoombie and that punched didn't affect that infected much.but that man again attack to the person who repair a truck but that infected person already bite him.when lichun heard a noises from the back he stopped the truck and came out of the truck and sae the 3 infected people and Tae hobi namjoon are fighting with them when he shot the three of them with his gun.

Lichun:how this happened

Namjoon:that person is already infected we didn't notice that and that person trying hard to control him but when he smelled the blood of kookie he couldn't control and attacked kookie

Lichun: Jungkook are you okay he didn't bite you right

Jungkook:no hyung he didn't before he could bite me Tae hyung punched him I'm fine

Hobi:I think we should leave now and it's getting dark now


And they again start their journey

When they reached a town They saw a bridge and they saw a many cars on the bridge and roads and because of that their truck couldn't go forward so that they have to walk and 4 hours journey is still remaining to reached gwangju. They stopped the truck and everyone comes out of it.

Lichun:now we have to walk we can't go further with the truck

Lichun and other two officer in front and guide them

When they are at the middle of the main area of town they saw a conventional store.they were so hungry and tired so they thought to rest in their but before going their lichun and other officer goes their to check if their is zoombie or not when they checked that store and their they didn't find any zoombie

Lichun:let's go that store is safe

Everyone goes to store.they locked the door and suddenly baby started to cry loudly

Officer:make him stop to cry he'll attract the zoombie

Tae: Kookie go feed him he might be hugry

Kookie went to feed the baby in the corner.after sometimes baby stopped crying.

After sometime
They are sitting in the floor when namjoon spoke

Joon: officer what happened in the camp how zombie attack us

Lichun: yesterday our officer rescue some peoples (joon cut  him off)

Suga:did you guys didn't checked them

Lichun:we did checked them and everything was normal but don't know how they couldn't detect if he was normal or not

Officer:commander I think this is someone planning

Lichun:how can you say that in confidence

Officer:then commander how thay couldn't detect the infected when they have very advanced machines and someone from inside are involved all this and commander didn't you heard mr.choi he said this is a man-made virus

Namjoon:yess me and my team  also have a dought that this is a man-made virus and someone from the high post doing this to do the crisis in our country

Lichun:who can do this

Tae:whoever did this they have  definitely made the vaccine of these virus and I think they would now continue this some month and after that they'll make some agreement to the government in return they'll give vaccine

Lichun:after 6 month their is the election

Officer:and whoever give the vaccine to the citizens he'll be the hero in front of the citizens

When they are talking they heard the baby cry again who is in the hobi lap.hobi trying to make him calm but continuously crying.

Tae:what happened to him why he is crying so much eunwoo check him

Woo checked him

Eunwoo: everything is normal but what happened

Then he noticed baby diaper which is full

Eunwoo:wow champ your diaper is full that's why you are crying wait let me change it

Eunwoo changed the diaper and baby stopped crying.kookie take him in his arms and kissed in his forehead

Kookie:do you know baby you made papa so tense

Baby smille

Officer:look now he is smiling now after giving all stress by the way what is his name

Taekook look at each other with sad look

Tae:we didn't give him any name(sad eye)

Lichun:now don't be sad and give him a name now

Kookie(smile):Kim taekook

Tae goes near to the Kookie and baby
And hugged both of them

Lichun: perfect name(smile)

Officer:if you guys don't mind can I carried him

Tae:yes you can officer

Officer carried the baby and started to play with him and after sometime everyone slept

Sorry for grammar mistakes

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