purpose of fire

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Tenten went on to find her way to Nejis left pocket. It's fairly difficult as he is so heavy leaning against her, her tied hands wander around his hip area, his hands in addition bering pushed even further onto her back.

What a blessing it was that they were back to back, that way Neji couldn't see her red face.

This was stupid, this is a mission, this is important. Nothing improper.

Then why did it feel that way?! Tenten hated herself for that but she kept on ignoring it and finally found his pocket.

There was a kunai! "Got it" She gingerly moved it to cut the robes around her hands. When they were free she cut through the one around her and Nejis upper bodies and then moved on to her feet.

She supported Neji and cut through his robes on hands and feet, by that time a voice comes from the entrance of the cave, one of the guards must have noticed.

"Quick, we gotta leave" Tenten says.

Aware that Neji still mostly can't move, she can't see any other way, they have to leave. She grabs around his back and inner knees and picks him up.

Neji looked rather stunned but they had no time to lose and Tenten made her way quickly out of the cave.


They later reunited with Lee and Guy, Neji recovered and they got back the object in a fight. It was undamaged. Already being in Amegakure they finished their mission and started their way back to Konoha.

The next night at the fire place, she cannot believe herself. Lost in thoughts about the day she finds her sight shift over to Neji only to find that he had already been looking at her. Tenten is caught. He quietly looks away again and closes his eyes.

He is really annoying.

The fire, as it always seems to do, shimmering on his skin as though there were no better use for such light. Like there were no other purpose than to shine on his hair, reflect in his eyes.

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