Chapter 34 - Original Angels

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"You know me?" asked Lait looking at the eye.

"It would be more correct to say, this one can sense what Lady Seraph is." the voiced corrected Lait. "It pleases this one to see this one's Creator's final manifestation of us angels, the pinnacle, the Seraph."

"Creator huh, you remember Veldanava-sama?" Lait concluded base on their conversation.

"This one and the others not only remember the Creator, this one has been ordered to watch over this universe by the Creator." The voice said with a proud tone.

"others?" Lait repeated.

"Indeed, this one and the others were created thousands of years ago to watch over the universes the Creator made."

"So you're the original overseers of universes.."

"While it honors this one to here Lady Seraph state that, this one is not. This one is merely watching, only allowed to interact when the universe is in the verge of destruction. Otherwise this one merely watch as time progresses." the voice said.

"I see." Lait nodded in understanding.

"If Lady Seraph has honored this one with her presence does that mean the Creator has new orders for this one?" the voice ask with a hint of happiness in its voice.

"Unfortunately no."

Lait explained to the eye why she is here, and about Rimuru being the Overseer granted by Veldanava.

"This one understands... It would seem as this one presumed, the Creator has forgotten this one..." The voice said with a sad tone the eye losing the excitement it once had.

"If you'd like, I could talk to Veldanava-sama about you and the others." Lait suggested looking at the eye with pity.

With her Ultimate skill she can empathize with all creatures that posses emotions. The eye in front of her is someone that has been alive for so long, emotions have sprouted.

"That would hinder Lady Seraph's work, this one could not possibly disturb Lady Seraph as this one is already doing." the voice said though its tone betrays it as Lait sense expectations.

"Don't worry about it. I am doing it on my own will. Besides, my master is someone who wouldn't mind what I do." Lait smiled reassuring the eye.

Lait opened a gate towards the Cardinal world and waved her hand to the eye. "I'll tell you immediately what we have talked about."

"This one thanks the primordial one."

Lait passed through the gate and started flying towards Veldanava's home.

"Lait? It's been decades. Did you need something?" Veldanava asked as he saw Lait.

"Hello Veldanava-sama." Lait bowed. "Actually I have something to talk to you about."

Lait explained about the angels he had ordered to watch universes.

"Oh they still live?" Veldanava said with a surprise tone as the two sat down to two chairs in the gazebo.

"You remember them?" Lait asked curious by Veldanava's surprise.

"Of course I do! They are the prototype to you Primordials or more specifically the entire Angel race." Veldanava explained.

"So that's what he meant with Creator's pinnacle of Angels." Lait voiced out taking her cup and taking a sip.

"So how many of them are left?" Veldanava asked curiously.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? How many are there to begin with, I've only met one." Lait questioned.

"I think I made..." Veldanava placed his cup down and thought deeply. "5 cherubim and 10 Thrones. The rest lower ranking ones should be in the million in total."

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