6. Memories

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"Hey, bestie". Deborah said.

"Hi, Debbie". I said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Calloway". Dana said calling my last name.

"Anderson". I called her last name too, making her smack me on the head.

"Me! Dana". I shouted.

"Don't call my last name". She said giving me a serious look with a quirky smile.

"You called mine first".

"Umm, I called your last name, doesn't mean you should call mine". She said. "Next time you make this mistake again, I'll shave your hair off". She said with a evil face, and making me look down at my trousers and looking back at her. "Oh, my goodness, Hudson, i'm joking, I wouldn't do that to you". She started laughing. "Call me, whatever you want, I don't give a fuck". She said and hit my shoulder lightly.

"Uh, OK". I said nervously. "Um, where's uh, Moon?. I asked Deborah.

"He is the restroom, he came in with bird poop on his hair, so he is washing it off". Deborah said.

"Oh, eww!, nasty". I said with a little disgust on my face.

"Yeah, I know, but he was so cute, with bird poop on his hair". Deborah said smiling weirdly.

"Uh, that is just disgusting Debra". Andrew said.

"Yeah, Debra". I said.

"Fuck up, Hudson, you wouldn't understand what being in a relationship feels like". Deborah said.

"Ouch!, words hurt, Deborah". I said.

"Sorry". Deborah apologized.

"Thank you, and yes I may not know what it feels like to be in a relationship, at least someone has had a crush on me". I said defending myself.

"Wait, are you talking about Levi?, Dude". Andrew shouts.

"Why would you even bring him up". Dana said.

"Yeah, Dude". Deborah said making three of us of to look at her. "I don't know why i'm like this, when i'm with you guys, i'm a rich classy girl". She said

"Yeah, it's getting out of hand". Andrew said.

"Fuck up, Andrew". Deborah shouted.

"Well like I was saying, ever since I came out, Levi disturbed me a lot and it was really annoying". I said to them.

"We know what you went through, we were there when he was disturbing you". Andrew said patting my shoulder.

"He was really annoying". Dana said.

"Yeah, it was only, Graham and Steve that were actually not annoying but I wasn't ready for relationship and shit yet, so they gave up on me".

"Aww, so sad". Dana said sarcastically as Moon walked behind Deborah.

"What's so sad?". Moon asked causing Deborah to scream in joy.

"Moonie-boo". She said and jumped on him.

"Debbie-pie". He said as they gave each other a wet tongue kiss.

"Eww!, don't call yourselves that, then do this in our front". Dana said with disgust on her face.

"Yeah, so inappropriate". Andrew said.

"So, disrespectful". I said.

Then as they pulled their lips from each other, every one started, gasping and as we all looked to see what was happening, we saw Blue walking to his locker, and I was like 'Wow' because he was shining like some Greek god that fell from the sky, his was so properly dressed, I have never seen someone as neat as him.

"Isn't that, Blue?". Andrew said.

"Yeah, he was the one that slapped Jake yesterday, when he was bullying Hudson, in which no one has ever done for him, except us of course". Dana said.

As Blue was almost at his locker he removed his glasses revealing those, Light Blue eyes and he looked at me then gave me half a smile and immediately, my heart started racing, I swear he was so beautiful and hot when he did that.


I reached my locker and started talking to myself.

Why did I just smile at Hudson? What the fuck?.. oh well, I just hope he doesn't think about it to much

I said to myself then closed my locker after carrying what I wanted to carry from it.


Later I had, English for the 3rd period so I went into the class and saw four empty seats at the end of the class, so I went to the very last one by the window, I sat down, brought out my English notes

I dropped my bag on the floor, and placed it well and close to me, then Hudson, Dana and Andrew walked into the class as Hudson sat to the desk next to me, Dana sat on the desk in front of him, and Andrew sat on the last one in front of me, "Great, just what I needed". I said to myself sarcastically.

"Hi Blue". Dana said to me. "Look, I know you don't like talking or being with people and you love going solo, but what you need is people that you can relate to, like me". She said, and she was right about the first, second and third part but absolutely wrong about the last parts, making me remember.

While I was at my old school when me, Arion, Stephen and Dominic will place spiders in the girls locker always pranking them, and making them scream everyday, gosh! I miss those days, I wish I could just relive those Memories.

"So what do you say?". Dana said facing my attention to her.

"I might think about it, i guess". I said.

"Great, well our friend Deborah is having a party tomorrow at her house, and I am inviting you". She kept the conversation going.

"Why?" I asked.

"You really give off Cool vibes, you know, like me". She explained.

"OK, thanks for the invitation,but parties are not my thing". I said looking away from her.

"Why? come on Blue, if you don't accept .m gonna hunt your nightmares for the rest off this year". She said with an evil smile as I faced my attention to her again.

"You better accept it". Andrew said.

"You don't wanna get on her bad side". Hudson said.

"I might and might not think about it". I said.

"Make sure you think about it, I want to see you there". She warned me.

"Yeah, whatever". I said,

I can't believe I talked to them, what is happening to me?

I groaned frustratedly.

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