twenty six

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excuse all mistakes, not proofread
eight months later 
lol ik y'all probably like they just found out she pregnant but I'm ready to end this book..

"Ou I really like this one. It's much more spacious and we can have more fryers." Yara cheesed, touring the fourth food truck of the day. She knew that this one was the one she wanted. It was the perfect size and it was in her price range.

"I went over the health inspection and accident reports and it's clean. I think this the one mama." Hakim nodded, looking around the truck.

Yara nodded, clapping her hands. She finally had enough money to buy her first food truck. Over the last couple months she had been booked nonstop for caterings, birthday parties, private events, and she even cooked for the Mayor on multiple occasions.

She had more than enough money, but she still wanted to be smart with her investments. She knew that one day she wanted her own fine dining restaurant, so buying the perfect food truck was her start. She thought about buying a building for a small restaurant but she wanted everyone in the state to taste her food, so being on wheels was her option.

"Are you guys looking to buy?" The previous owner asked when he saw the smile on Yara's face. Yashmir, her dad, had connected them together and she was internally thanking him.

"Yes. My dad mentioned that you knew someone who designed trucks as well." Yara spoke, rubbing her eight-month belly. She wasn't big like most women, but she didn't care. Everyone was ready to meet the baby girl.

"Yes. I'll give you her card when we get back to the office. The truck also comes with insurance for a year and warranty. She's pretty new, so I don't think you'll have any problems as far as mechanical wise." The guy mentioned.

"How come you didn't finish through?" Treasure asked.

"Well I bought a building two months ago to start a restaurant. I was keep the food truck for birthday parties and other small events, but when Yashmir called I figured I could just sell." He replied.

"Preciate that." Hakim nodded. "Mama you ready to go back to the office?" He asked, noticing Yara walking sluggish. Instead of responding, Yara nodded her head.

Everyone loaded into their vehicles, following back to the owner's office so that they could finalize payments and papers. As they drove, Hakim looked in the backseat to see Yara laying down with her eyes closed.

"Baby you need anything?" Treasure asked, reaching to the backseat to hold Yara's hand. Just as promised, Hakim and Treasure had been catering to Yara's ever need. They barely allowed her to lift a finger when they were home.

"She's kicking me so hard right now." Yara sniffled, wiping her face. For the last month she had been experiencing serious Braxton Hicks. It got so bad one time that Hakim made the doctors admit her into the hospital.

"Focus on breathing. You wanna call the midwife when we get back home?" Hakim questioned, taking occasional glances from the road to the backseat.

"Yes, and Ni." She sniffled, closing her eyes.

Once they got to the building, Hakim informed the guy of Yara's symptoms so they tried to be as quick as possible with everything. Hakim made sure that he read every piece of paper before Yara signed her name.

He knew that if he hadn't, Yara would just sign anywhere. The last thing he wanted was for Yara to be signing any unknown deals that she didn't know about. In addition, Hakim knew how men tried to take advantage of women when it came down to the buisness and mechanic aspects.

"Do you guys know the gender of the baby?"

"A girl." Hakim mumbled. "So this say ten day money back guarantee. Explain that to me a little more."

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