Chapter Twenty-Five

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Anwita's POV

It has been two weeks after eshana's wedding, everything was back to normal. Sadhil was back to going to the office, while I am staying at home. I'm not yet taking any modelling shoots, I have decided to take a short break and focus more on Animation since I studied it and also have a degree in it.

I sat up on the bed and watch sadhil get dressed for work.

"Like what you see?" He asked and I rolled my eyes before smiling.

"Of course, it is anyway mine so, I'm bound to like it." I replied.

"Are you flirting with me Mrs. Grover"

"Maybe and what can I say, I learned from the best" I said and got down from the bed and walked to him to adjust his tie, then wrapped my hands around his neck when I was done and he kissed me. I honestly didn't know how things escalated, one minutes I was standing and the next I was placed on the dressed and sadhil was biting and sucking and trailing kisses around my neck while I moaned under his touch.

The things this man does to me.

"If I continue like this I will be tempted to take you here and now" he whispered huskily in my ear and I blushed.

"I really miss you when you are not with me" I said pouting.

"As much as I would love to stay at home with you, there are lots of work to be done in the office, but today, I have a surprise planned for you" he said.

"What have you planned?" I asked in excitement as he helped me down from the dresser.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He said a smirk playing on his lips.

"I hate you" I said.

"And I love you" he said kissing my temple.

"Bye love and remember to have breakfast." he said walking out of the room and eventually walking out of the house and I heard his car start and the gates opening before he drove off. I walked into the washroom to freshen up for the day.

I had breakfast and settled myself on the couch in the room with my laptop. I have to start editing the animated drawing I was working on the previous day. I could not concentrate, because I happen to be thinking about what surprise a particular someone could have planned for me, so I messaged him.

Me: hey!

Sadhil: yes, love.

Me: can't you just give me a tiny detail of the surprise.

Sadhil: No Mrs. Grover I cannot.

Me: I hate you.
Me: bye.

Sadhil: I love you too.


It was past noon when the door bell rang, I placed my laptop on the table and made my way downstairs to check who was at the door.

"I'm coming." I said as the bell rang again.

"Surprise!" I opened the door to a smiling eshana with arms opened wide.

"What are you doing here?" I asked totally not expecting to see her.

"What? Can't I come to see my best friend and sister in-law?" she said her arms still spread open.

"You definitely can." I said hugging her and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Wait! Are you sadhil's surprise?" I asked finding it very weird that sadhil planned a surprise for me and hours later after he left, she shows up.

"Surprise? What surprise?" She asked.

"Spill" I said.

"Nope, I know nothing about any surprise, but, I'm here on behalf of that." she said walking in and sitting on the couch and I closed the door behind her.

"So you do know something about it and it means you didn't come for me." I said.

"I'm here for you and I'm also here for your... you know"

"Wow, my husband and best friend have become best friends." I said sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Of course. We have to be friends, he's married to my best friend and I'm married to his brother". She said.

I didn't know if she didn't clearly get my point or if she was teasing me, I couldn't find out which one she was doing. So, I placed myself on the couch opposite hers, with folded arms and a pout. She watched me intensely and I looked away avoiding her gaze still pouting and pretending that I was annoyed with her.

"Oh My God! Is that what I think it is? She said her head peeking around me.

She stood up from her couch and walked to mine yelling "Anwita, there are Hickeys all around your neck" she pointed out. To say I was embarrassed is an understatement, I was beyond embarrassed.

She passed me her phone that had been switched on to camera, so I could get a view of my neck.

They were in shades of purple and red and my already red cheeks got even redder.

"Sadhil, I am going to... Ugh"

"What? Kiss him?" Eshana teased and I'm sure my face would compete with a tomato.

"I am so happy for you anwita, you found the one" she squealed pulling me into a hug. "I missed you so much" she added.

"I missed you too" I said reciprocating the hug.

I was honestly at the verge of tears and I guessed eshana was too because her breath came out shaky. We have never been apart for more than three days, one week was the maximum. We had lived most of our lives together enough to understand eachother.

She was like an older sister that I never had, just like how I can do anything for poonam, I could do anything for eshana. I owe how I am now to her, she made me a better version of myself. To her, I was her sister, her ride or die buddy. Blood or no blood, we are sisters, soul sisters.

We were still glued to each other when the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" I asked no one.

"Could be sadhil, may be he's missing his wife" eshana answered.

"Why? It could be jiju, probably missing his new bride and cause he can't stay away from her for too long"

"Really. As a matter of fact, I'm not the one with the hickeys." Eshana countered.

"You wanna play dirty?" I asked walking back to her but stopped in my tracks as the door bell rang again.

"This is not over" I said  and she stuck her tongue out at me while I blew her a raspberry before walking back to the direction of the door.

Hello lovely people.

its me. Well I'm back with another chapter after I promised to update soon. I'm sorry, but there are reasonable excuses for my in diligence, the first one being;

I fell down the stairs and twisted a lot of bones.

The second is that I lost an aunt of mine in a car accident, whose child (my cousin) happen to be someone I'm very close to, I had to stay with her since we're each other's favourite.

And lastly, I just wrote my exams, and still need to take a break from it.

I hope I'm forgiven and y'all will try to look at things from my point of view.

the next update will come in sooner than expected, this is a promise. a promise is a debt and a debt is a sin. I wouldn't want to owe anyone any debt.

A big thank you to everyone that patiently waited and followed me and to those who took their time to check on me.

vote, comment and follow.

I love you all.

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