The Aftermath

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Lexi's POV~

I yawned as my eyes fluttered open and quickly closed them because the room was too bright. I felt a heavy arm around my waist and reopened my eyes to get adjusted to the light. I looked down and noticed I was completely naked with hickies on my inner thighs and I looked back to see Skyler asleep. Oh. My. God.

"Shit" I whispered and quickly got dressed and grabbed my shit before running out of his apartment. I didn't even bother looking in the mirror until I seen my reflection in the elevator and noticed the hickies all over my neck. 

"Fuck!" I ran into the cab I had called and told the driver my address while regretting drinking so much. I didn't remember a thing from last night besides seeing him kiss another girl. God, I'm so stupid. I face palmed myself and was wanting to cry when the cab pulled up outside of my apartments. I walked in the apartment and heard glass shatter and I closed my eyes knowing I was caught. 

"Who fucked you? I need all the kinky details!" Carson said running up to me and looking all over me. 

"I blacked out, I don't remember anything" I said which was in fact a truth. 

"Damn, that sucks ass for you girly. Who was it? Was he hot?" He was drilling me with questions as I walked into the bathroom. I gasped in horror as I looked at my hickey covered neck and fucked up hair. 

"I .. I don't know he wasn't there when I woke up and I wasn't waiting on him to come back" And there's my lie.

"Girl, were you in an apartment?" 

"Yes" He clutched his heart and then his jaw dropped. 

"What if he was buying you breakfast and you just left?" 


"That's a free meal, possibly more dick, and you get to see how hot he is" 

"I'm just going to shower and try to take a nap. I'm tired" 

"Oh, I bet" He joked teasing me making me roll my eyes and laugh.

Skyler's POV~ 

I groaned as I opened my eyes and all the kinky details from last night slapped me in the face. I looked to my left and realized she had left already. I noticed her anklet that she had left behind sitting on the dresser beside the bed and remembered seeing it while her legs were on my shoulders. I remembered the way she felt, smelled, tasted, and looked and needed her all again. I pulled the covers back and realized I didn't even have boxers on and shook my head. 

I walked into the bathroom and noticed all the hickies she had left on me, but I remembered leaving so much more on her and the way her back arched and her sweet moans ringing in my ear. Fuck, Skyler. Focus. I started the coffee maker and decided to go for a run before returning her anklet. 

Lexi's POV~ 

I woke up from my nap and washed Skyler's shirt and was thinking of a way to give it back to him while putting on my house slippers. My eyes widened as I realized my mom's anklet wasn't on my ankle anymore and I started looking all over the place. I heard the door unlock and realized Carson must be back from the store. I walked into the bathroom and bent down looking underneath the sink. Where is it? It has to be here

"Looking for this?" I heard Skyler's voice causing me to jump up and I looked down to see my anklet in his hand. 

"Oh, my god. I thought I lost it" I looked up at his neck and gasped while covering my mouth. We really did fuck, my god. He furrowed his brow before looking in the mirror and slightly chuckling. 

"Yeah, you kinda marked yourself all over me last night"I felt my face get hot and dipped back into my room hoping he wouldn't follow me. I grabbed his shirt and turned around to see him looking around my room at the doorway. I handed it over as I walked up to him and he smirked while taking it. 

"You should go before Carson comes back" I said trying to avoid being near him any longer purely out of embarrassment. 

"You know you could've kept the shirt awhile" He said as he walked out of my room and I went into the kitchen fetching the spoon out of the freezer. 

"Why? It was just a one night stand" I tried saying coldly, but my voice squeaked and betrayed me. I held the spoon to my neck flinching at how cold it was and closed the fridge to see Skyler standing right behind it. 

"Is that why you have a frozen spoon to your neck? Trying to forget about it? Or do you even remember it?" He asked the last question with uncertainty plainly in his voice. 

"I don't remember anything, it's just that I have a job and don't need to look like a... mess" He started walking closer to me until I backed into the 'L' shaped island that I was silently cursing in my thoughts. He put his arms against the island trapping me under him and looked into my eyes. 

"What are you doing?" I asked scared of his answer and he just leaned in closer to me. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me and opened them whenever nothing had happened. He was looking down at me with a smug look on his face and I scoffed. 

"Just a one night stand, huh?" He teased as he pulled the spoon out of my hand and placed it back in the freezer. 

"Y-yes" I stuttered as he looked down at me once again and he gently kissed and sucked on my neck earning a moan from me as I grabbed his bicep wanting to push him away but couldn't. I wanted to see what I had missed out on, but at the same time I couldn't. 

"Sure, Lex, sure" He said pecking my lips before grabbing his shirt and leaving. I placed my hand over my heart and felt as my heart was racing. I mean Abbie is right, Carson isn't a girl so girl code isn't a reason of why I can't. Well the damage is already done? Would it hurt to do it again? But I'm not like that. My mind tugged back and forth, leaving me uncertain of what to do. I dialed Abbie and asked her to meet up at our usual cafe spot. 

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