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Lexi's POV~ 

I walked back into my shared apartment and seen Carson smiling at me. I hugged him and he rubbed my back while rocking us back and forth. I looked up to see his ex staring and I held out my arm, pulling him into our hug. 

"You alright?" They asked while handing me a twisted tea which I took with a smile. 

"Yeah, just trying to make a hard decision while my overthinking is going to make my mind explode" I jokingly said even though it was the truth. 

"We're here for you at all times, you know that right?" Carson asked while giving me a reassuring look and I nodded. I really hope that's true. 

"We were going to go out, are you feeling up to come?" I shook my head and made my way into my room. I don't know how long it will be until the truth comes out or how long until I break and spill the truth. 

"If you need anything, just let me know" Carson said while smiling at me and then closing my door. I leaned back onto my bed sighing with my eyes closed until the sound of my phone letting me know I had a text disturbed the quiet. I groaned and my mood changed when his name was on my lock screen. 

'Have you ate?' -S

'Not yet, wby?' -A

'I can door dash you food if you want?' -S

'I can just find something here, but thanks for the offer' -A

'You sure?' -S

'Positive' -A

'Or do you want me to bring it to you because you miss me?' -S 

'Caught me there' -A

'Chinese sound good?' -S 

'Lomein and General Tso's chicken for me, please?' 

'Anything for you, beautiful' -S 

'Be there in thirty ;)' -S

I giggled at the smiley face when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Carson and his man all dressed up. 

"Somebody must've gotten a text from the person who keeps covering your gorgeous skin in all those hickies" I laughed in guilt making him smirk. 

"He's bringing food over" 

"Like a date?" I blushed not knowing to call it that or what since we were in such a weird situation. 

"You could put it that way, a situationship date I guess" 

"Well when you two officially get together we want to meet him, also give us the tea when we get back" 

"I will" I promised as I pulled Carson in for a hug before walking them to the door. 

"We have to make sure there isn't any red flags and that he's treating our girl right" He said while giving me that protective grin and I shook my head. 

"Trust me, I'll definitely let you kill him if he doesn't" With a satisfied smile, Carson winked at me before leaving. I sighed and ran into the shower to start to get ready. 

Skyler's POV~

I walked into the apartment and heard the shower running, so I set the table for us. I laid out her flowers in a vase and put candles on the table while the food was set aside to stay warm. I heard her shower turn off while lighting the last candle and started to pour her a glass of wine. I set the food out and watched as she walked out in a crop top and shorts with her damp hair left down. She gasped as she noticed everything I had got and I smiled proudly. 

"Oh my god. You didn't have to do all of this!" She was right but I wanted to. 

"I know, but you deserve this" I sat down beside her and listened as she talked about her conversation with Carson when she had arrived home. Next thing I knew, her glass of wine was gone and she was just drinking out of the bottle. 

"I want to wait until we get more serious and if we get into a relationship to tell him" 

"That's fine with me. How am I doing though?" I looked to see her what face she would make while she scanned over everything. 

"Perfect" She shot me a huge smile and continued eating leaving me proud of myself. Her phone dinged and she went to grab it while I leaned to look at her ass as she walked into her room. 

"You alright?" I asked after she was in there for a couple seconds. I seen her shadow lingering before she slowly walked out with her phone in hand. 

"Oh, yeah. Boss wants me to stay later to help train a newbie tomorrow" She replied while sitting down making me hum in response. 

"I love owning my own business so nobody bosses me around" I stated after I watched her frown down at her phone. 

"It must be nice, but my coworkers and boss aren't so bad" I watched as she sat her phone down and took a sip of wine. 

"I mean, you could come work for me" I offered and she shook her head as she was chewing. 

"I don't do the couples working together thing" I stabbed a piece of chicken with my fork before shoving it into my mouth. 

"Couple?" I questioned as if she was hinting at something and she rolled her eyes before giving me a look. 

"If we were to get together and break up, it would be awkward. If we didn't even make it to a couple, it would be even more awkward. Not to mention too much tension" 

"Tension?" I asked with amusement in my voice while slightly smirking. 

"Yeah, I bet you look hot when you're at work. You do every second" She admitted making me chuckle as her cheeks turned a rosy pink. 

"Glad we think the same about each other" I teased making her blush harder. I knew there was something about this girl when she had me laughing for the rest of our time together. I didn't want to leave her and she felt the same while hesitating to tell me bye. 

"Well, goodnight" She said sounding sad and I pulled her in for a hug. 

"Good night and have a good day at work tomorrow. Call me if you need anything, okay?" I kissed her forehead and headed down back to my car carrying the trash bag with me. 

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