Dragging The Marines While Your Father Sells You Off

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        The days following your god-awful time with your brothers, you had more pressing matters to deal with besides "apologizing to them for your actions". It was either hit or get hit in your world and Hana had that slap coming for a long time. Despite the fact that you knew him for about two weeks at the time.

Ever since then, your days were filled with training, eating, training, avoiding your family (minus your little sister), training, avoiding the village, and training. Any free time you had, which was usually before breakfast and after dinner, was spent pacing the length of your massive room, formulating plans.

Plans of which Kosai aided in, as they pertained to your memory and relied heavily upon the plot of One Piece and your own notes. Unsurprisingly, you had found yourself growing attached to the demon. He had become some sort of best friend.

Your personality apparently rubbed off on Kosai as well, as your new chaotic lifestyle along with no filter made his time with you more enjoyable. That "serious" act that he claimed he had disappeared entirely within the second week.

You were doing everything and anything that you wanted to do

Your sixteenth birthday was only a month away and after being on the island for around two months, you were very proud of how far you had come and how strong you were becoming. The first week of training (Which had felt like ages ago by this point) was probably the hardest. It was the worst in your opinion. You kept up the routine thanks to the voice in your head that constantly screamed at you if you slacked off. Thanks, Kosai.

With the combined strength of both of your arms, you could lift boulders that were half of your height. Under no circumstances did you think that a normal human could accomplish this in two months, but you figured that it was because of Kosai that you were even capable of this.

You had never felt healthier in all of your life. You didn't have access to junk food, meaning that you were actually forced to eat healthy food for once. You were changing. Changing so much. Compared to your previous life, you never improved this much in the span of a few months. You saw results that you liked, you were feeling more confident in your body, and felt a crazy boost of self-esteem. And you were having fun with your friend.

Though you did slap one of your siblings, that was relatively normal. It wasn't like you were going to beat the shit out of them daily. Only if they provoked you. You family was nice. They weren't that bad- only rough around the edges.

You were happy. Really happy. You wanted it to stay that way

~ . . . ~

Kosai wasn't any less annoying today (just as you weren't any less annoying to him on any other day) and he only increased your workload by forcing you to memorize everything from the beginning of One Piece up until where you had read last. That, and you now had to memorize your own embarrassing backstory and lore.

Seriously, when did you write this piece?

Your demon took the liberty of taking control of your lower arms and writing it out for you, since you had done so many revisions of your own stories that you didn't now cannon from non cannon anymore.

(Name) (Alias: Onihime)

Strength: 4/5

Speed: 5/5

Defense: 5/5

Intelligence: 3/5

Cooperation: 5/5

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