Red Nosed And Red Faced; Buggy's Been Caught Red Handed

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You didn't think you'd be seeing Buggy so soon again

You actually thought that you wouldn't see each other during the Loguetown arc period.

But seeing him in front of you was just surprising. And he looked just as surprised!

"...Well, he actually looks a bit nervous."

Buggy? Why would he be nervous? You blinked before you broke the awkward silence that had followed your exclamation. "Hey, nice to see you again... What a coincidence to run into you here."

"Yes... What a coincidence..."


"How've you been...?" You stiffly asked, pretending to act casual. You needed to get out of the sight of the public. You were literally a felon.

His tone wavered. "Fine. You?"

"Good. Just doing... Crimes. Like any pirate would..."

"Sure, sure..."

You both suspiciously squinted at each other while keeping watch for patrolling Marines. You already knew that Smoker was on his patrols because the rumor that pirates were spotted spurred him to do so. Now you and Buggy had just entered an awkward staring contest. You wanted to get out of sight with this man, who was undoubtedly the most suspicious one dressed here. A cloak that literally covered his entire body? This man was stupid.

(You intended to remain silent, but you couldn't help but feel awkward. Buggy's stance gave off the same energy. He was once your mentor, and you were like... the one student that just didn't listen to him no matter what he did.)





You were purposefully not saying anything to piss him off

And it worked, because Buggy immediately broke due to his lack of patience

"What're you doing here?!"

His shout caught the attention of a few onlookers. His ten seconds of silence was a new world record for him– you were proud of Buggy for maintaining that. The sounds of the world were nice when he wasn't screaming. You shot them an apologetic look before you straight up dragged Buggy into an alley.

"I'm looking for my Captain. He's run off somewhere," you said, slinking into the shadows of the alley. Buggy glanced at the bustling streets before he pulled down the hood of his cloak. "Buggy, what're you doing here?"

"It's that Straw Hat kid, isn't it?! Is he your captain?!"

"Yeah– Sh! Stop yelling, we'll get caught!" You whisper yelled, looking around in alarm. "Smoker's here and he might find us, you know. He could be on patrol! And stop dodging the question!"

Buggy could care less. He looked a little angry. Probably because Luffy was your Captain. But hey, at least he wasn't all in your face. Buggy never did that to you even though you wanted him to because you found it funny. Who wouldn't find the head of a screaming clown funny?

"You disturb me greatly, (Name)."

Hehe, I know.

"This isn't a "hehe" matter!"


"Out of everyone you could've joined, you joined him!"

"What's it to you? I thought you didn't like me that much. I stole your stuff after all. Like the knives in your shoes."

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