The Memoirs of a Clown's Apprentice

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     After Sanji (who had been sent to the floor while sobbing violently once seeing his friend's conditions) had been revived with the promise of Nami and (Name) having high possibilities of pulling through the illness, the crew had gotten back to what was important. Treating them. Vivi routinely changed the cold compresses as she spoke, trying to keep their fevers down.

Of course, they asked the first question; "Where's Kosai?"

It took them ten minutes to track down the little bastard. Zoro found him chilling in an empty pie dish in the refrigerator. After taking the chilled demon back to show what happened to his host, Kosai screamed and plopped himself onto (Name)'s chest to regulate her temperature to the best of his abilities. (He could only warm her, after all, not cool her down.)

(Name), in her unconscious state, responded by gripping the life out of Kosai with all of her arms. A small price to pay for falling asleep in the refrigerator after eating, Kosai.

Luffy smiled as he turned to Sanji, who was dabbing his eyes dry with a handkerchief. "They'll both get better if they eat some meat, right?"

"I obviously plan on giving them nutritious meals that are easy to digest for sick people..." A gloomy expression settled on his features. But even all of that only goes as far as to be called "nursing". It may not actually cure them."

Then, he continued, ruthlessly slapping Usopp and Luffy with the truth

"In the first place, when it comes to preparing meals for Vivi, Nami, and (Name), I put in a hundred times more effort than the rest of you lot. I use only the freshest meats and vegetables to cook balanced meals for them. The scraps and leftover ingredients on the verge of spoiling are given to you."


Luffy, who had no thoughts 24/7, giggled. "Still tastes good! Ahahahahaha!!"

Sanji ignored Usopp's outburst and instead chose to continue. "In any case, as long as I'm the chef of this ship, there won't be any troubles related to malnutrition. If someone is sick, that's because of a completely different illness. Unless I know what that is– I won't know what type of meal to prepare for them."

"Couldn't you just eat everything instead?" Asked Luffy.

Sanji deadpanned and exhaled smoke in an airy sigh. "Not having enough energy to even eat is what we call "sick" in the first place, you idiot."

"F-Forty degrees!? Her temperature rose again!" Vivi cried out in frustration as she held the thermometer she had previously stuck between Nami's lips. "Her fever rose again!"

She wasted no time and grabbed a sterile thermometer, rushing over to (Name)'s bed and crouching down next to it. Kosai could have at least cooled her down a bit, since he was literally just chilling in the fridge. She kept her eyes on her watch and bit her lip in worry as she watched the red mercury rise further and further up the glass.


Vivi withered. Usopp watched from behind with his arms crossed. "Aren't there doctors in Alabasta? How much longer until we get there, Vivi?"

"I... I don't know, but it will definitely be more than a week!"

Luffy puckered his lips. "Is being sick really that painful?"

"Dunno. Never been sick myself," said Usopp.

Sanji also crossed his arms. "Me neither."

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