A Few Steps Back

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Set before May and Lory's kidnapping

     I need flowers for May... What about some hydrangeas? They grow well here.

Your thoughts were filled with happiness and a light excitement as you walked outside of the mansion and into the royal garden. The sun shone brightly, and the clouds rolled by gracefully. The sunlight was once again comfortably warm on your skin.

The weather was always in your family's favor, it seemed. You had never seen such a beautiful morning before. This day was a day that you were going to be happy, that was for sure. You'd make sure that nothing would spoil your mood.

How about some blue hydrangeas? I think they're the prettiest ones we have.

"They symbolize heartfelt emotions and understanding. They also symbolize openness and trust. That would be a wonderful bouquet to have."

You paused as you picked up a wicker basket-- one that you'd be able to put the cut flowers in later. Your friend's words left you with a question.



Do you like flowers? You seem to know a lot about them.

"Where I come from, we don't get pretty things. It's why I enjoy my time with you so much."

That's so sweet of you! Did Annan teach you flattery?

Kosai sighed heavily. "You ruined a perfectly good moment."

I did not, you old sap. But... Seriously?


You think I'm pretty? You felt bashful. Compliments from others always got to you. You were always caught off guard. But you really did love praise.

"Of course I do. You're beautiful. Like a flower. I like how simple you are. Simplicity is beauty. Now, blue tulips mean trust and loyalty–"

You somehow choked on air. HOLD ON YOU CANNOT JUST DO THAT TO ME–

Still very flattered, and already knowing that your ego could rival Buggy's from that single comment from Kosai, you quickly got back to looking at flowers. You were sure that Kosai would notice that your body temperature increased drastically– but he obviously wasn't going to comment on it.

You picked her a bouquet of pretty blue flowers. Though you wanted to make it simple, you couldn't help yourself. You loved flowers so much; they were so simple but so beautiful. And Kosai thought you were like a flower.

That thought alone got you screaming in your head in excitement– maybe you'd go back to your room so you could lay in bed while swinging your legs back and forth while smothering yourself with your pillows.

Is this what true friends were like? Shit, nobody complimented you like that in your previous world. Where was Kosai all your life?

You were plopped down in one of the wildflower patches that was in the garden. You were trying to tie together your picked flowers with a few ribbons. It proved to be a difficult task. Petals either fell off or you bruised the stem- which made you really sad.

"How do you tie a ribbon? I'd feel like shit if I only did a knot..."

"Let me do it."

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