7. real life!!

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FAYE ACTED AS if she wasn't nervous, but as the day of her date with paige approached, she found herself becoming increasingly anxious.

a million things could go wrong on that night, and as much as faye wanted to believe everything would be fine, the anxiety had already planted itself deep inside her mind.
of course, she wouldn't let anyone, especially paige, know that.

on friday, time seemed to moved faster. 45 minute classes felt like 5 minutes, and practice felt so short she had actually begun to consider if she was in a time warp.

after school let out, she immediately jumped into getting ready, even though she had hours before it was time for the date.

she had decided to wear a simple outfit, going with cream colored cargo pants and a white long sleeved crop top, paired with brown and white jordan 1s. as she did her hair and makeup, she threw on taylor swift, her favorite getting-ready music.

at 8:00 on the dot, there was a knock on the door, which ice had jumped up to get. neither faye or paige had told any of the girls they were going on a date, and if they were asked, they would just excuse it as "hanging out".

they were sure their friends would eventually catch on, but until then, they enjoyed the privacy that came with keeping quiet.

"hey paige, what's up?" ice said, leaning against the doorframe and crossing her arms. paige smiled, before pointing over to faye.

"i'm actually here for faye, we're about to hang out for a little." by that time, faye had turned around and walked over to the door. when she saw paige, a giddy smile overtook her face.

she was wearing her hair back in a tight ponytail, black pants paired with a sza graphic t-shirt, and black converse. faye wanted to compliment her, but with ice standing right there, it would have been awkward.

"y'all are a little dressed up to just be "hanging out"..." ice raised an eyebrow, giving them both a side eye. faye and paige shot each other worried glances, as ice waited for a response.

"actually, we're planning to take a couple of pictures for our instas, so we wanna look good in case we find a nice spot to do a photo shoot." faye said, shrugging nonchalantly. ice had apparently decided that was a good enough answer, so she nodded and turned around, walking back into the room.

faye grabbed her essential stuff, and headed out the door with paige. once they were out of earshot, they both began laughing hysterically.

"photos for insta?" paige chuckled, looking down at faye with an amused grin. faye in response rolled her eyes and playfully pushed her, as they both made their way out of the dorm house.

paige rushed to open the passenger door for faye, and helped her in. when she got in the car, faye saw a beautiful assortment of white tulips sitting on top of the center console, which were her favorite flowers.

"those are for you, i didn't want anyone to see me bring them in." paige coughed awkwardly, looking anywhere but at the girl sitting in her car.

"how did you know these were my favorite?" faye picked them up, pressing them
against her nose gently.

"i just saw you post them a lot on insta and stuff." paige walked around the car, hopping in the drivers seat and starting the engine.

"oh so your stalking me now?"

"i am not!"

*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*

paige took faye to an italian restaurant, it was kind of small and didn't have many people, which faye thought was incredibly relieving. paige could tell she wasn't big on the whole lavish atmosphere, so she didn't put her in that environment.

the seat they were sitting at was right next to the giant window by the entrance, and while they waited for their food, they watched as the sun sunk below the buildings in the surrounding area.

as they ate their pizza and pasta, they discussed many different things, favorite tv shows and music tastes, places they wanna visit, and just light topics that kept them both interested.

paige craved learning things about faye, and faye found herself wanting to tell the girl more and more.

"okay paige, you've gotta be interested in something other than basketball." faye laughed, taking a sip of her water.

"i don't know, it kind of takes up my whole life." paige shrugged. for as far back as she could remember, the only thing she was really interested in was basketball.

"okay, i'm definitely gonna have to introduce you to some more hobbies."

"not everyone can be you, little miss does everything." paige flicked the wrapper of her straw across the table at the girl, and it hit her right in the forehead. faye scoffed, but they both began giggling like little kids as the wrapper fell onto the table.

after they finished, paige paid (because she refused to let faye even reach for her purse), and they got up, gathering their belongings as they got ready to leave.

paige opened the door, letting faye step out into the parking lot. it was a little chilly that night, and the wind had picked up since the sun went down. neither seemed to mind, as they made their way to the car and got in.

it was an unspoken understanding between the two that neither wanted the night to end just yet. so paige had decided to play one of her cards, in an attempt to make their date last longer.

"mini golf." she blurted out. faye looked over at her with a confused expression, her eyebrows furrowed and her lips curled up into a smile.

"what?" she laughed lightly. paige looked over at her with an unreadable smile.

"i like mini golf." she stated. it was partially the truth, she used to play it a lot...when she was 11. but it didn't matter, she would've done anything if it meant she could spend more time with faye.

"we should go play it then." faye shrugged, looking forwards. paige laughed, shrugging her shoulders like the other girl did, and starting the car.

"i think we finally found something your not good at." paige laughed, watching faye as she struggled to hit the ball in the cup.

"shut up!" faye swung, and missed, and swung again, and missed again. she stomped her foot, looking up at the sky in a frustrated manner.

"hey paige look over there." faye had pointed in the direction behind paige, and the blonde was quick to turn around, trying to see what she was talking about. when she did, faye quickly grabbed the ball, putting it in the hole and standing up just as paige turned back around.

paige looked at her with a confused expression, before she looked down at the ground, noticing the ball sitting in the hole. a look of shock washed over her face as she dramatically pressed her hand onto her heart.

"you cheater!" she exclaimed, pointing at faye. faye couldn't help but burt out into laughter, leaning down as she cackled.

many holes later, they had finished their game up. faye won, because paige let her, but she wasn't going to figure that out.

paige tried her best to convince faye to stay the night at her apartment, but to no avail.

"sorry, bueckers, your gonna have to wait until
the third or fourth date for that one."

"there's gonna be more?"

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