What you guys are having

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-hear me out, a boy and a girl
-loves the thought of getting to love both of them
-so many matching outfits

-a girl
-so excited to have a mini you running around the house
-can't wait to go dress shopping and take her on daddy daughter dates when she's old enough

-a boy
-very proud to help keep the Meeks name going, but would love a girl just as much
-hopes to send him to Welton one day so he can experience the life he did

-a girl
-he's suddenly even more protective of you and vows to be the most protective dad ever
-falls asleep talking to his little princess
-will buy anything and everything pink that he sees

-a boy
-damn that's gonna be a big baby
-jokes aside he's very happy to have a little boy
-can't wait to watch him grow up to be big and strong
-hopes that he will like sports

-a boy
-excited to teach the little fella to ride a bike
-goes out and buys him a little bike and helmet for when he's big enough

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