3. Unmasked

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Y/n's POV:

My first few days in mine and Erik's new home passed in a blur. Frequently, Erik's face hovered above mine. Occasionally, a cooling breeze flew through an open window. More often than not, though, I groaned at the noise outside, and the window was shut. A cool cloth frequently slid across my forehead, wiping away sweat and balming my skin.

Shapes and the room's sparse furniture soon became permanent, not figments of my imagination amidst a twilight of awake and asleep. When Erik's face didn't waver before my eyes, I felt better.

In only a few days, I was well enough to sit up and talk.

 "Where are we?" I asked, voice feeble from days of disuse.

 "This, my dear, is our new home- and life."

 "We live here?" I asked.

The truth was a miracle. I'd never known a peaceful home of my own. Already, the promise of one ignited my heart with joy.

Erik raised a hand, as if to lower my expectations and, in turn, my excitement.

 "Calm down, Y/n. It's no luxury flat. But it is ours alone."

 "Can I have a tour?" I asked, smiling impishly at the prospect.

I was already rising from bed, but Erik placed a calming hand on my shoulder. This, his mere presence so alike to it in the opera, halted me.

 "You're still weak, my dear. Let's wait until tomorrow, and if you still feel up to it, we'll have your tour then."

Already, an unknown force pressed my limbs deeper into the bed. I was too tired, weak, and delirious to discern this force. Eventually, as I dropped into slumber, I fleetingly identified it as exhaustion.

Blinding light. Shining in my eyes. I hated that window next to the bed. Erik and I needed curtains. End of story. Subdued noise emanated from a corner of the room. It was not too loud, so I guessed it was Erik trying not to wake me.

Soon, Erik stepped into view and noticed my open eyes with both pleasure and surprise.

 "You're awake. Good. Drink this."

He pushed a chipped mug into my hands. The cool liquid inside had already given way to condensation. Those icy droplets happily refreshed my palms.

 "What is it?" I asked.

 "Just water. You need to hydrate. Eat these too. Extra salted crackers. That will also help."

I did as Erik bid me, nibbling on crackers slowly. The water went down far easier, and I gulped at it desperately.

 "Slow down, Y/n. You'll get sick if you don't."

To appease Erik, I listened, though I didn't appreciate these mincing sips of fresh water.

Finally, I finished both crackers and water, and Erik was satisfied.

 Remembering his promise from yesterday, I smiled and said, "I'm feeling up to it now."

Erik cocked a brow in my direction, examining me carefully. I flushed under his gaze. 𝑁𝑜! He was not looking at you that way, Y/n! You've recovered from heat exhaustion, and he does not think you're pretty right now! That would be purely bizarre.

 "You do look marginally better," Erik conceded, "might I add too, love, that your skin looks awfully rosy after this ordeal, dreadful as it was."

 "Rosy from heat exhaustion!" I scolded.

Even then, his compliment made my insides flush with pleasure.

 "So... do I get my tour now?" I asked, sounding painfully like a child begging for candy.

A Woman's Devotion (Phantom Of The Opera x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now