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Having someone to be by my side through struggles was a great feeling, I knew I had the person I wanted to share those memories with.

I was starting to get concerned about Josh's health, he was having a lot of pain in his stomach.
Causing him to wake up running to the bathroom to throw up and almost use the bathroom on his self.

I thought he had a stomach ulcer so I encouraged him to go to the doctor to have them figure out the issues causing him so much pain.

He decided to finally make an appointment and while I was working he went to get a check up. When I got off work later that afternoon he was at his moms with his son who was also sick with a stomach bug.

He got a call from his ex asking him to get him out of school for her, he took the opportunity to be there for his son when he needed him.

We stepped outside to talk about what the doctor said "they gave me some probiotics and some other medication to fix the bacterial infection I have in my stomach" he said I looked at him in concern and asked "how bad is the infection?" "I'll be fine once I finish everything I just have to watch what I eat from now on" he responded

Hearing that I was a little at ease still concerned about his health. Most night when he needed to relax he would drink a beer or two to calm him down but he had to completely cut alcohol out of his diet.

I started looking at different meals I could cook to help him. I couldn't cook anything with acids or grease so I was trying to find different meals he liked.

During that time there was a hurricane coming towards us so we was preparing our house and his moms to make sure nothing was damaged. At work I was having to pull tarps to protect plants from the storm, I became so wrapped up in everything that I didn't have time to just sit and relax.

The day before the storm hit I was called into work so my girls went to Josh's moms house, I was busting my butt pulling tarps at work trying to beat the rain and wind by the time I was done the sky's was already turning dark with the rain clouds coming in.

I arrived at Josh's moms house to see everyone outside gathering boards and boarding up windows, when I spotted josh he had a look on his face like someone made him mad I was confused so I walked to him with a concerned look and asked him "what happened?"

He looked over at my girls who had sad looks on their faces and my heart dropped he started explaining "I over heard the other kids being mean to the girls, telling them they wasn't apart of the family and being ugly towards them!" I started getting angry the more he explained "did you say anything to the?" I asked he then said "I walked in the room and called them all in there to have a seat, I looked at every one of them and i explained one day I am going to marry Breann and we're either going to be a family or we're not so stop all this nonsense now!"

I was in shock at the words he just said dumbfounded by his actions to take up for my girls. Happy that he stepped up like that made me love him even more.

The girls came running over when they spotted me standing by Josh's truck and they looked relieved that I was finally off work. I hugged them and so hard I could hear them giggling trying to break free from my hug. I looked up at josh "thank you" I whispered he nodded and asked "are y'all ready to go home before the rain starts getting to bad?" We all agreed and loaded up in the vehicles.

The storm ended up hitting that night knocking out all the power so we was all piled up in the living room with flash lights. Josh was trying his hardest to scare the kids by telling spooky stories but they laughed at him until he start singing a song from a old scary movie in a creepy voice when my youngest started getting scare I gave him a playful slap on his arm and told him "knock it out she will be up all night if you keep on" I smiled at him knowing he was just trying to distract everyone from the wind picking up outside.

Once all the kids fell asleep and the storm was calming down we stepped outside to see any damage that might of been caused to our surprise there was hardly any damage.

He was annoyed with the way his mom let the other kids be mean to my girls and he started going off  "she needs to stop that crap when she hears them doing it! It's not right and you will be my wife one day rather they all like it or not!"

I looked at him with a honest look and told him "I truly appreciate everything you do for me and my girls, you're a great man and I'm happy to have you." It was like music to his ears as if he has never been told those words before. He kissed me with more passion than before and held me tight. 

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