II: (Club)

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       A new day can be the start of a new life

Lorenzo's POV

"Get the fuck off my case Linda, or I swear I'll file a restraining order if you ever call me again," I gritted through clenched teeth and ended the call. In anger, I tossed the phone on the velvet couch and exhaled.

"Ex-girl troubles?" Xander my best friend and manager implored as I downed the remaining liquid in the wine glass in one go.

I nodded and released a sigh, leaning my head back on the plush cushion. A background tune played while I once again recounted the unexpected events that came at me in the past year.

It all began when my Dad fell critically ill and he was diagnosed with a heart issue. Due to that, I had to take up some responsibilities in the company my dad runs. It was mine to inherit, however, I planned to hand it over to my little sister thus I never really liked the corporate world.

Handling business alongside acting was one of the toughest things to do. Add that to constant visits to my dad before and after he was discharged. All these left me with barely any time for myself.

Sighing, I realized I played my part as a good boyfriend by constantly reaching out to Linda, going on dates, and of course, spending time together whenever I could. Despite all these, things were going well, or so I thought.

That was until Linda broke up with me with the excuse that she wanted to explore the world even though I suggested we could do long distance. She walked out on me and blocked me on all social media platforms.

The news of her engagement to some Italian Don came three months later and that was the thorn that pierced my heart.

Half a year later, things were set for me to take over my father's position as CEO until my sister was done with college. In that period I got a call from a strange number and the caller turned out to be Linda.

She was apologizing but I paid her no heed. I've received her call now and then after that. Each time with a new number as I always blocked it after every try.

"Lost in your head again?" Xander lifted a brow.

"I can't help it," I sighed and shook my head.

He nodded and asked. "What do you think about taking some time off acting?"

I sat up and faced his form of emerald eyes, dyed grey hair, high cheekbones, and a smooth jaw. His structure was similar to mine as we both worked out relentlessly, the only difference was that I was about three inches taller than he was.

"The thought had popped into my head a few times recently," I murmured, intertwining my fingers together.

"See? Great minds think alike." He grinned and adjusted the wrist of the grey long-sleeved button-up he wore above matching denims, it went well with his black boots.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I snorted, a smile gracing my lips as he rolled his eyes behind the transparent glasses he had on and mimicked my words, only silently.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," he spoke, his face growing serious as if he didn't act like a kid a moment prior. "I think that's the best thing to do. You know with the handover ceremony coming in a week and the last scene of the movie you are starring in being a few days away."

"Yeah, it's the perfect time to do so," I agreed, seeing the reason behind his words. It was clear I needed time to get adjusted to the full-time role my father would be handing down to me.

The couch I sat on began vibrating, I searched for the source and spotted my phone. Not glancing at the caller ID, I picked it up and connected the call only to regret it when I heard the same voice as earlier.

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