IV: (Husband)

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The priests in Vegas should stop officiating marriages in the dark hours of the morning

Rachel's POV

"I'm a lawyer, Mrs. Peters," the man uttered, coming off as offended. "As you can see that certificate is as legit as legit gets. The signatures are there to prove it."

My gaze hastily dashed to the end of the paper at the mention of signatures. What I thought to be a joke became real by the second as I spotted my signature beside another with the name Lorenzo Caden Peters.

"You have got to be kidding me," Debby was the one who spoke as she materialized on my left and peered over my shoulder. "That's your signature Rach."

"How is this possible?" I interrogated, scratching my hair and blinked like a mad woman hence the events of the early afternoon happened to be driving me crazy. The throbbing in my head didn't seize either as it reminded me of my shitty hangover.

"Those are details that would be explained by Caden when you two meet," Xander informed and at the confusion on my face he went on. "I meant Lorenzo, I call him by his middle name."

"Okay," I said in a breath and gaped at the paper in my palm for the third time. "This is still hard to believe. I feel like this is some prank."

"Does the diamond ring on your finger feel like paper?" The lawyer whom I remembered his name as Attorney Dan inquired in irritation.

Eyes widening in panic, I moved my hands, only to release a gasp the instant I caught sight of the sparkling diamond crested band on the fourth finger of my left palm.

"Do your crooked glasses want to meet with my fist?" Debby countered in an equal volume to the Lawyer's tone, anger growing in her form. "Can't you see the girl is trying to process things here?"

Taking a steadying breath, I detach my view from where it was stuck on the ring and faced Xander. "So you mean I got married to Lorenzo Caden Peters?"

"Yes, Mrs. Peters, according to the certificate in your possession," the Lawyer inputted before Xander could utter a word. I didn't miss the 'Mrs. Peters' he addressed me as. "The other copy is in Mr. Peters's possession as we speak."

"She wasn't talking to you Mr. Crabvoice," Debby muttered to the man as she seemed to be growing a hatred for him.

"Exactly Mrs Rachel," Xander declared cleverly avoiding calling me Mrs Peters hence he must have noted my expression when Mr Lawyer called it. "Can I call you Rachel? Seeing as we are going to be buddies soon."

"So where is my said husband at this time and why is he not here in person?" I asked, ignoring his question.

He pouted for some moments before his signature amused smile returned. "Your husband is currently shooting the last scene of a movie he is staring in and asked us to bring you if possible."

Rolling my eyes at his childish pronunciation of 'your husband' to spite me, I bobbed my head and took a step back. "Can you gentlemen wait out here for some minutes while I make myself presentable?"

"Wait, why can't we--" Debby slammed the door in their faces cutting the rest of Xander's sentence off.

"What the fuck just happened?" Debby let out in inquiry, her attention solely on me.

"I have no idea," I murmured as I left the door and walked further into the room to search for comfortable clothes. "But I'm going to find out."


"Can you come to the front seat?" Xander implored after we had dropped off the Lawyer at some fancy building. We were currently on the move to see Lorenzo and I was in the backseat while he drove, so I could sense where he was coming from.

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