VI: (Plans)

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At times, your seemingly calm life can turn into a soap opera.

Rachel's POV

"Look, it's my celebrity roommate," Debby announced, the instant I stepped foot in our hotel room. She was sat cross-legged on her bed. Hair falling on her shoulders as she was clad in a simple white thin strapped blouse and red booty shorts.

"What nonsense is she spewing?" I queried in a low tone which was still high enough for her to hear.

"I heard that," she scoffed and picked up her phone from her side.

"It was for you to hear," I rolled my eyes and dropped my weight on the mattress. A satisfied groan left my lips as I moved to a lying position.

"Bitch," she muttered under her breath, prompting me to send her a pointed glimpse. She grinned in response and spoke, "Anyway, you are trending on social media. Or atleast a photo of you is."

"What?" I asked in alarm and quickly moved my body to sit up.

"You haven't checked your phone today?" Debby interrogated, her face full of astonishment.

"No wonder I got plentiful notifications when I put on my mobile data to check our email but didn't bother to glimpse at them," I explained, eying her warily. "What is this all about?"

"You are causing a ruckus, especially on Instagram." She scrambled off her bed and rushed to throw herself of on mine, both of us bouncing a bit at the force she did it with. She handed me her unlocked device, "here."

My attention diverting from her position to the iPhone 11 in my palm, I moaned in irritation as I spotted a slide of photos the cameramen back at the location site took of me and Lorenzo when he held me tightly.

What stirred me wasn't the photo, rather it was the person who posted it, Lorenzo himself. "So this was what he was doing while he was on his phone on our drive to his hotel?"

"You went to his hotel room?" Debby's lids widened as she questioned.

"We had a few things to discuss," I relayed. "However, that's beside the point."

"Yeah, we'll get back to that later," Debby wiggled her brows and tapped her phone. "Have you read the comments?"

"Most of them are wondering who you are," she continued before I responded and loaded the comments. "Some of them are guessing other celebrities or actresses. Although this is the most shocking."

"What is?" I interrogated as she took the device from me and swiped on the screen for some seconds.

"Look, this all stirred from a comment asking if that's a wedding band or engagement ring," Debby elaborated as she placed the phone in my hold. On the screen was one of the pictures posted, nonetheless a red circle was drawn around his left ring finger where there sat a diamond crested wedding band.

Out of instinct, I lifted my left palm to my view, my vision zeroing on the ring on my fourth finger as I focused on it for the second time. It was made of a gold band, a shiny and heart shaped diamond resting in the middle.

"Wow," Debby clamored, taking hold of the hand I was peering at. "How much do you think this ring is worth?"

"Shit, I'm in trouble," I inhaled and shook my head off gloomy thoughts that wanted to creep into my mind as tears gathered in my eyes at the beauty of the ring. I cleared my throat and turned to Debby. "Unlock it."

Debby did and I was met with the photo again. I read the caption out loud. "Our actor boyfriend has caused a stir with this photo and questions have been rising. Who is she? Where did she come from? Is she an actress? Despite all these, one thing is certain. Lorenzo is spotting a ring. Though it is yet to be confirmed if it's a wedding or engagement ring."

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