IX: (Pizza)

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Isn't this position better?

Rachel's POV

Dinner was tense after I had dropped the bomb about owning R&D, the only people I conversed freely with was Lorenzo and Cameron. Laurel was silent throughout the period of the meal and I found her gaping at me oddly now and then.

Annabelle had totally avoided eye contact and spent most of dinner stabbing at her steak and muttering profanities. I didn't need to be psychic to know she was wishing the lump of meat was me.

Lorenzo and I left after an hour with me barely eating my portion hence I felt uncomfortable under Laurel's stare plus the way I was trying my hardest not to grab the fork from Annabelle and stab her with it instead.

The iron gates opened of its own accord and Lorenzo drove along a concrete pathway. He said he was taking me to his house, however I couldn't sight any building in sight as we drove inward.

He parked in front of a wall lined with green leaves which was no different from the others and I couldn't help but squint my eyes in confusion. I unlocked my door and alighted from the vehicle, my stare coming face to face with trees and flowers. "Where are we?"

"My house," he smiled and grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

"How am I sure you didn't bring me here to kill me?" I asked as he pulled me toward an opening between the leaves and flowers.

"I'm no psychopath Rach," he cracked up and eyed me oddly.

"That's exactly what a psychopath would say," I mused in a low tone.

"I promise I'm not gonna kill you," he assured as we stomped on dry leaves and grass. We made it through the path and my feet came to a halt at the beauty that was before me. "Welcome to my house."

"Somebody pinch me," I murmured breathlessly. A one-storey cute looking house was facing me. It had tall vintage styled windows with green frames that completemented the brown paint of the walls, a single door stood at its entrance.

A white couch sat in front of the house, throw pillows scattered on it, its armrest a brown shade the same as its legs. 2 brown patio chairs were stationed on each side of it and opposite was a round glass breakfast table with about 5 chairs around it.

It seemed like something out of a painting and I felt a certain squeeze in my chest at the beauty of it. "This is beautiful Lorenzo," I turned to him, my eyes shining.

"It is, but I have something more beautiful," he murmured, his grey eyes pinned on me. I sensed a shift in the air as I then realized how close our faces were.

"I want to see the interior," I blurted and spun on my heel so he wouldn't see the tint to my cheeks. It was past 8 in the evening and the lights from the walls shone down on us.

"Okay," He let out, my hand still in his, he guided me to the entrance and we were met with a staircase in the middle, a kitchen to the right and living room to the left. "I informed the housekeeper to make us something the moment we landed. Go get freshened up while I check what she prepared."

He planted a kiss on my temple and released his hold on my hand. "I told them to drop our bags upstairs." He nodded at the stairs. "So they should be there."

Smiling in retort hence I couldn't form words from his simple action, I ascended the many steps and soon was in a hallway. I spotted my luggage and concluded the other bag as belonging to Lorenzo and gawked at the 2 mahogany doors facing me.

"Innie Minnie Mainie Mo," I said in a sing song voice, my index finger halting at the one on the right. Shrugging, I picked up my bag and shoved the door open.

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