Pulling back the curtain

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TW: Suicide attempt

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TW: Suicide attempt

"Need any help bringing that in?" Carter asks, leaning his head out of the car window. "I've got it," I reply, pulling my suitcase towards the house.

Our flight landed back in London hours ago but I've been stalling, making Carter do numerous random things with me to prolong the inevitable.

I wave him off, watching as he drives away and leaves me standing in front of the eerily silent house.

My dad's car is in the drive so I know he's here and I also know that I'm not getting a welcome home party. I crack open the door, entering the immaculately polished house. 

The kitchen door immediately flings open, revealing a dishevelled looking dad. We make eye contact from across the room but instead of the usual look of rage plastered on his face, there's relief.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He shouts, storming over to me. I remain silent, knowing telling him I was off on holiday with the boy he hates will only make things worse.

He stands in front of me, causing me to flinch when he raises his hand but instead of a punch or a slap I'm met with his gentle touch as he softly grasps my face.

"I thought I'd killed you," He stutters, eyeing my now fading bruises. "Nearly," I mutter, pushing past him.

His 'concern' angers me more than I ever thought possible because I know he doesn't give a shit about me, he only cares about his reputation. I'm sure the public wouldn't take the news that he beat his own daughter to death very well.

"Juliet," He calls out, grabbing my arm. I turn around, seeing that his fake concern is now replaced with that familiar expression of anger and hatred.

"I'll let this disrespect slide considering the circumstances but don't forget who's the boss around here," He threatens, his nails digging into my skin.

I pull away, rushing up the stairs and towards my room. As I walk through the hallways I see numerous unfamiliar faces, eventually realising that my dad must have replaced the whole cleaning staff.

I enter my room, noticing that it's now spotless. Dad had informed all the old maids to not step foot in my room, claiming that I needed to take care of it myself so I guess he must have forgotten to give that instruction to the new ones.

What catches my eye is the bouquet of flowers lying on my perfectly made bed. I dump my suitcase on the floor, my eyebrows knotting together in confusion as I approach the colourful arrangement.

I pick it up, staring at the mixture of red and baby pink roses. "Fucking hell," I groan in frustration before letting out a laugh, not believing the craziness of this man.

The note on the flowers reads, 'Forgive me- David xo.'  

I roll my eyes, ripping the note off and chucking it in the bin. I open my door, peaking my head out and spotting a maid walking down the hall. She's wearing street clothes, her uniform folded over her arm and a backpack draped across her shoulder so I assume she's finished her shift.

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