Time's up

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"One second!" I call out to the person banging at our door as I pull on a pair of leggings

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"One second!" I call out to the person banging at our door as I pull on a pair of leggings.

It's been two weeks since my dad was found not guilty and things have been chaotic to say the least.

For the first few days I tried to move on, wanting to never think about my dad again but that's hard to do when he's constantly on my tv screen. Everyone seemed to forget the allegations and welcomed him back into the public eye with open arms. 

I couldn't stand seeing everyone speak so highly of him so with a lot of encouragement from Carter we decided to get one of the highest paying lawyers in London to build a case, with the help of Carter's friend who payed for all the legal fees without asking for anything in return.

We've met with the lawyer three times so far which was just us compiling evidence of all the injuries he's ever given me. 

There's now a huge file filled with medical records, photos of the black eyes he's given me over the years and testimonies from former maids. Carter had to leave our last lesson because he told me he felt sick looking at all of that.

Speaking of Carter, we've gotten closer over the past few weeks if that's even possible. We've practically been connected at the hip, spending every second of the day together.

He never officially asked me to be his girlfriend but it's obvious to everyone and ourselves that we're a couple. If I ever saw him with another girl I think I'd cry and if he ever saw me with another boy I think he'd kill him.

"Okay okay I'm coming," I roll my eyes at who I assume is Carter knocking at the door. The only time we're away from each other is when he goes off to sell shit which I obviously don't like but I knew that about him when I met him so it wouldn't be fair to ask him to change for me now.

I walk towards the door, doing a double take to look at my outfit in the mirror. Although I hate to admit it I want to look cute for when Carter gets home. 

I adjust my outfit, making sure my black flared leggings sit just bellow my belly button ring and my white top hugs my body in the right ways.

I pull open the door, ready to greet him but when my eyes lay on who's there it feels as if time stops all together.

"Dad," I state, my mouth dry.

"Juliet," He greets, a crazed look in his eyes. "Can I come in please?" He asks sweetly, slightly pulling up his shirt and revealing a gun in his waistband.

I don't reply, my eyes glued to the pistol. He pushes past me, locking the door behind him and leaving us in an eerily silent room.

"So..." He trails off, scanning the room. "You left me to come live in this shit hole?" He laughs manically.

"Dad I-" I rush out but he interrupts me immediately. "No Juliet you're going to listen to me," He states calmly, pulling the gun out of his waistband.

"Do you know how it feels to have your only daughter, your own flesh and blood betray you like that?" He asks, his face expressionless. 

I stay silent, knowing whatever I say will only enrage him further.

"I couldn't sleep because I was so angry," He laughs. "I just couldn't stop thinking about how I wished I would have made your mother get rid of you when I had the chance," He sighs, toying with the gun in his hands.

"I mean look what you made me do," He grits, motioning towards his arm. I inspect it closer, seeing that there's a wire tied around it with needle marks bellow.

I look back into his blood shot eyes, just now realising that he's extremely high. My dad used to have a problem with heroin but he went to rehab after the media found out, not having used for years until now.  

"Then I realised something, why should I have to live with all this hatred in my heart when I could just simply erase the problem," He smiles, now looking me in the eye. 

"You Juliet, you're the problem," He tells me, his voice flat. We stand in silence, staring into each others eyes as my body shakes with fear.

"You know what parents say, I brought you into this world and I can take you out," He laughs hysterically, that erratic look in his eyes again.

I want to say something, talk to him and convince him that he doesn't need to do this but fear takes over and my mouth remains clamped shut.

"So here's what's going to happen," He sighs. "You are going to leave with me, quietly and calmly, then I'm going to drive you out to the forest and end this once and for all," He explains, his finger tracing the trigger.

"Alright let's go," He announces, turning towards the door.

"I-I'm not going anywhere with you," I stutter, my voice coming out wobbly and quiet. As I expected the sound of my voice enrages him one hundred times more.

He turns around, his eyes flashing with rage as he storms towards me. I flinch as he roughly grabs my neck and slams me against the wall, the cold silencer attached to his gun pressed against my temple.

"You will do as I say or I'll blow your brains out right here for your little boyfriend to see," He spits, throwing me onto the hard wooden floor.

Tears drip from my eyes, my body cowering under his harsh gaze. I try to pull myself together, knowing if I leave with him I may never return.

"Your plan isn't going to work dad, as soon as I get outside I'm going to run," I tell him honestly, hoping he'll realise that he's being irrational.

"Run? You're going to run okay.." He nods, a smirk forming across his lips. "Well we can't have that now can we," He rasps, placing the gun to my thigh.

I let out a blood curdling scream as a bullet rips through my skin.

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