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"Juliet?" I call out, knocking on the bathroom door

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"Juliet?" I call out, knocking on the bathroom door. My anxiety increases when there's no reply, the only sound I can hear being the pitter patter of the shower water hitting the tile.

"Juliet!" I repeat with more urgency. The door creaks slightly open and an annoyed looking Juliet comes into view.

Her wet hair clings to her skin, drawing my eyes to her glistening collarbone as well as the loose towel wrapped around beneath it.

"Carter," She groans. "I've been in the shower for not even fifteen minutes and you've checked on me five times," She sighs, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Well sue me for not wanting to leave you alone considering what happened the last time I did," I reply, the comment coming out much more snarky than I had intended.

She doesn't say anything, instead slamming the door in my face before locking it.

"I'm sorry," I sigh but my apology falls on deaf ears as the sound of the shower turning back on echos through the hallway.

I walk back to the living room, collapsing on the sofa and lighting a blunt.

It's been four days since Juliet came to stay with me and we've already had a lot of ups and downs. It's pretty much the same as the last time she stayed here, with movie marathons and the constant eating of inordinate amounts of food but this time it's more tense.

I can't leave her alone for more than five minutes without feeling an intense sense of dread. Every time I bring up her attempt she immediately shuts me down, acting as if it never happened so I don't know how to help her.

I can tell she's still not alright mentally. It's obvious with the way her mind drifts off all the time and how she refuses to go outside. 

At least Lucien pulled some strings and got me out of that whole assault charge which has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. However Marco hasn't been seen since he was discharged from hospital which is typical coming from a coward like him.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. 

Juliet stands in front of me, wearing some tight black shorts paired with one of my hoodies. Her damp wavy hair is now pulled into a pony tail, revealing her numerous gold piercings.

"Well?" She questions, plopping down next to me on the sofa. "You." I tell her bluntly, exhaling smoke into the surrounding air.

She raises her eyebrow at me, silently asking me to elaborate but I don't. I know if I voice my concerns she'll immediately brush me off so there's really no point.

"Wanna finish mean girls?" She eventually suggests after a moment of silence. I nod, leaning over to grab the remote before chucking it in her direction.

She turns it on, discarding the remote to her side before shifting closer to me.

It feels as if we're a couple as she snuggles into my side, our thighs touching as our bodies sit merely centimetres apart. It feels natural, like second nature as I relax on the sofa with her at my side.

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