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"Stop pacing," Carter scolds, having watched me walk up and down the hallway of the courthouse for a full thirty minutes

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"Stop pacing," Carter scolds, having watched me walk up and down the hallway of the courthouse for a full thirty minutes. 

He grabs my arm and pulls me down onto the uncomfortable chair next to him. "Sorry," I mumble, now directing all my nervous energy into fiddling with my outfit.

I continue playing with the hem of my black dress until a familiar voice causes me to snap my head upwards.

"Julesss," The voice screeches, disturbing the once silent hallway. "Oh my god! You're back," I state the obvious, getting up to hug my best friend who I haven't seen in like a month.

"Well obviously I wouldn't miss this," She scoffs, pulling me into a rib crushing hug. "How was Germany?" I ask curiously, thankful for this distraction.

"Girl let's not talk about me," She rolls her eyes. "How are you?" She asks, giving me a stern look. "I'm fine," I lie, putting on my best fake smile.

"Good," She nods. "You know it's actually crazy out there, I had to push past like a million reporters," She exclaims, motioning towards the large doors at the end of the hall. 

I open my mouth, ready to rant to her about how we got bombarded with hundreds of questions when we arrived but before I can even get a word out the large oak doors of the courtroom open.

"Miss Kingston they're ready for you," The man I recognise as Loraine's lawyer from all the press interviews they've been doing says. 

My nervousness rapidly increases so my eyes automatically search for Carter's, seeking comfort. He nods at me, silently telling me that I can do this.

I sigh, straightening out my dress before plastering a fake expression of confidence on my face. I follow the lawyer into the crowded courtroom, leaving Jas and Carter in the hallway.

"Calling my final witness, Juliet Kingston," He announces, motioning for me to sit in the witness box. I oblige, my black heals tapping against the polished floors as I walk through the silent room. 

The lawyer talks back and forth with the jury and the judge but I'm not paying attention, being too busy focusing on avoiding my father's harsh gaze.

I shift uncomfortable on top of the cushioned leather chair until the mention of my name snaps me out of my haze.

"So Miss Kingston, Mrs Windsor claims you witnessed how this injury took place," He says, pointing towards a big screen with an image of Loraine with a swollen eye displayed across it. "Is that true?" He adds.

I stare at the imagine, racking my brain for any memory of how it took place. Just when I'm about to tell him that I don't know it hits me.

Last Christmas Loraine was on shift and got both me and my dad a present, her present to my dad unknowingly being a bottle of his least favourite brand of whiskey. My dad, already drunk and unhappy with his gift proceeded to dismissively throw it at her, hitting her in the eye.

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