Opposite! x Depressed Reader "Don't get used to this..."

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(Requested by @Shadey_Rper )

(TW! depression and cursing. Lots of it)

You woke up

Aw man

You didn't want to wake up today

You sigh and tiredly get out of bed, you go do whatever morning routine and go to eat breakfast. Actually screw breakfast, breakfast is for the weak (this is a joke).

You go right to your living room and to your couch, when you go get a snack from your snack cabinet you realize you need to go to the store. You sigh and get up off your ass and go to Howdy's. As usual prices are so annoyingly high.

You grab out a few items and place them on the desk, Howdy gives you a slightly concerned side eye, "Y/N. I haven't seen you since last week, where the hell have you been?" He asked, you just shrug tiredly, "At my house." You respond. "Well...glad to see you're doing alright..." he said, bagging your items, "...tough day today eh?" He asked, "Every fucking day..." you respond, he sighed "I'll give you 50 percent off today, just because I'm feeling nice and you look depressed as shit" he spoke, giving you the bags.
"Thanks, Howdy" you say, paying him and leaving the shop.

On your way home, you bump into Warley and you Yelp a bit, spilling one of your bags, "Hey! Watch where you're going!" He said with a small scowl

You just coldly glare at him and quietly pick up your things, then leave.

He stared at you as you left...

(Warley's POV:)

The fuck is wrong with them?! He thought, genuinely concerned, he thought he saw tear stains on your face, you hadn't been out of your house since forever, only to get food and stuff, and this was his first interaction with you in a month actually. He sighed, "I shouldn't have said that, fuck..." he mumbled, going to his home.

Home greeted him with a small wave of a window and he waved back, going inside. He didn't know why but he always had a sort of weird feeling for you. Normally he hated everyone but when you came this was....different, he cared about you and couldn't stop worrying about you and oh yeah, know the phrase: "it's not like I'm up at night thinking about them"? that's him 24/7.

He wanted to do something to make you smile...he glanced around the room and saw a painting of the Forest on his wall.

That's it...

(Back to ur POV and Timeskip to the next day)

You sigh and get up again, you're about to start your day of misery and loneliness when you hear a knock on your door

thinking it's probably Eddie to drop off a package you go answer. But you your surprise when you open the door, Warley Deary is standing there with a leather suitcase and two canvases. "C'mon. I'm taking you outside to do something other than mope around" he said.

You are about to close the door, when he suddenly shouts

"If you come with me I'll get you food okay?!" He says, you perk up a bit, "...anything I want?" You ask with a small smirk, he sighed, "anything you want. Within my budget" he responded, already regretting this.

You smile and head out the door with him. He's leading you off into the woods away from the neighborhood. "Ooh, we're going into the woods? Spooky" you say, "what are you going to do?"
"What do you think I'm going to do?" He asked akwardly, "I don't fuckin know, kill me or some shit?" You respond, "why, do you want me to?" Warley said jokingly, you thought for a bit. "I mean..." you mumble

"Neighbor. No" he says, turning to look at you with a concerned look. You sigh and look down, "Sorry, sorry" you say, your smile fading abit.

He sighed and looked around, "it should be up ahead"
"You'll see"

You two soon step into a clearing with a beautiful waterfall at least 20 feet tall and a river, by the river there was a beautiful golden sandy beach. The multicolored trees made a perfect shade for you two. Warley began to set up some easels and folding chairs.
"What's this...?" You ask, looking around. "It's my quiet space" Warley said, getting his paints set up, "it's where I go when I just need time alone or when I feel down" he added, "but you have to promise to not tell anyone else about this...I really like this spot"
You nod and he offered you to take a seat, (and yes go ahead. Comment the joke. I know you want to) you did so and sat down, Warley picked a great place where you could see the waterfall and the river, the sun shined on everything making it even more magical.

"But why would you take me here...?" You ask, "well I know you've been down. It's obvious" Warley said, "you've been staying in your house and I know your house isn't sentient so it can't lock you in or anything when it gets mad" he said, you look at him a bit concerned, "what-?" You mumbled, "Anyways. The point is...I want you to feel better" he said, with a hint of blush on his face, sitting down on his painting stool next to yours. "Okay I guess we're just brushing over that..." you think. He hands you a paintbrush and you look at it, then back at him. "what am I even supposed to paint?" You ask, "Whatever you want." He responded, you take the brush and you think for a bit, before dipping it in the paint and brushing it carefully over the paper. You feel strangely calm and the noises of the soft chirping of birds around you as well as the breeze seems to calm your soul. You glance at Warley.
His expression which is usually an angry frown is now calmer, less tense. He looks concentrated yet calm. He makes delicate strokes on his canvas with his brush. You let out a satisfied sigh and continue to paint with a small smile on your face, this was actually better than staying inside and sitting around.

After a new minutes he glanced over to you, seeing you happy did things to his mind and it made him blush. He didn't know why but he felt so proud knowing he made you smile like that, he managed to actually make you have a good time! He smiled a bit as well and went back to focusing on his painting.

His painting was of you...

Even though he had so many other things to admire and paint, a waterfall, a river, birds, trees...

He chose you.

Now ain't that special...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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