HOME (Y/N POV) 1/1

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All the members were surrounding me, forcing me to head home. Since the nurse had given me my meds and I had gotten the stitches, I had to oblige.

I exited the room slowly with Bang Chan helping me.

"Thanks, Bang Chan," I spoke.

"You can call me Chan, it's fine. OH, and also what's your name?" Chan says.

"Oh, right. It's Y/N." I smile at him. We continued to walk toward the car and then entered the vehicle. Everyone had assigned seats, there were only 8 seats. It was fine on the way here because 2 of us were knocked out, but now we were all wide awake.

"Someone has to sit on another's lap!" Han called out.

"Not the injured people," Chan said. I could see Han glancing around the car, he wished he didn't say his last statement.

"Of course, it's me, it's always me," Han said, getting out of his seat.

"I CALL JISUNG SITTING ON ME!" Minho yells out, ruffling Han's hair from behind. They laughed at each other.

"You wish," Jeongin whispered, nudging Minho.

"You're too far away, I'm not going to sit on you!" Han yelled out.

"FINE if you're going to be like that, sit on Felix, he's the closest," Chan said, making both Felix and Han Uncomfy. He slowly crawled over to Felix.

"Ok, now MOSTLY everyone gets a seat," Hyunjin said. "Let's go."

As I sat there most of the members had lots to ask and tell me. 'Who was that guy?' 'Which of us is the cutest?' 'You look a lot like Seungmin.' 'Are you going to be, ok?????' Were a few of them.

Once we got to my house, Chan walked me to my door, and I rang the doorbell. My sister answered.

"And who is this hot Australian man?" My sister said, looking Chan up and down.

"Hi, my name is Chris. I am dropping Y/N off, please take care of her because she is severely injured." Chan replied. I looked at her disgusted.

"I'm sorry to trouble you Chan, please go home, ignore her." I smile in his direction and point toward the car.

"No, it's ok Y/N. Can I come in?" Chan said, I was confused.

"Umm, sure?" I spoke.

"Of course, you can Chris." My sister smiled into his soul. When he came in I gave him a quick tour of the house and then we chatted in the living room for a while. I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it," I said, going to the door.

"Oh, I was about to leave, it's around 10 minutes. I need to drive the members back to the dorms. I'll come with you." Chan said, walking with me to the door.

I opened the door. "Hello?"


"Wait Michael, please calm down," I said to him,

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR CHEATING, WE'RE OVER Y/N," Michael screamed and punched me one last time. "I'M GOING TO SLEEP WITH YOUR SISTER AGAIN." I could feel tears forming in my eyes, I didn't know why. Michael went into my sister's room.

"Y/N do you need anything?" Chan asked, but I was frozen.

"No, you go to the dorms. I'll be fine." I spoke. Chan stood there just to double-check, he could still tell that I was sad, but he left.

"I'll come to check on you sometime." He waved goodbye and I smiled. That was not a lie, surprisingly, the next time I hung out with them was only the following day, after I got kicked out by my sister.

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