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"Hello, can I get an iced Americano?" I asked the barista. My phone rang, it was Felix. "Sorry, ma'am one second." I unlocked my phone.

"Hello?!" I asked.

"Hey sorry, can you come over right now, I need to tell you something." He said, which made me concerned.

"Yeah of course! Do you want something from the coffee shop, I'm ordering right now!" I asked.

"Oh umm, can you actually get an iced Americano and a chai, one for me and one for Seungmin?" He asked.

"Okay! See you soon!" I ended the call and continued my order, "Actually can you make that 2 iced Americanos and a chai?" The cashier nodded her head.

"The total is 9.71," she said. I put in my card then she started making the drinks. "Y/N!" She yelled out, I grabbed the drinks and then returned to the dorms, what could happen in such little time? I was running there when suddenly I saw Michael with my sister, they were cuddling when he saw me and started walking toward me.

"What are you doing here?" He screamed in my face, I set the drinks down and then backed up. "WELL?!"

"I am delivering drinks to my friend's house," I replied, trying to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"DON'T LIE TO ME" He took off a pin he was wearing and threw it at me, it scratched my eye, my sister was still just watching, old me would have stood there frozen in fear but not today. I punched him right back, and that's when I realized I had gotten over him. This time he was standing there in fear, and I picked up the drinks and walked back to the dorms.

I rang the doorbell and Felix answered. I gave him a tight hug.

"Are you ok?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine, what happened to your face?" He whispered back.

"I'll tell you later," I responded, then gave him the coffee, and we walked to his room. Seungmin was sitting on the bed scrolling on his phone when he suddenly saw me and tucked it away. Felix handed Seungmin a coffee and grabbed the Chai for himself.

"So, I need to tell you something," Felix said, shaky. "I'm-" He paused then tried again. "I'm gay." I paused not because I was upset but because I was proud of him for telling me, I leaned in and gave him a big hug, and he started crying, I started crying, then Seungmin started crying and leaned in for a hug too.

"I'm proud of you Felix, really." I smiled at him, then gave him another hug.

"So what now?" Felix asked.

"Are you going to tell anyone else?" I asked, and he nodded. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He nodded, and Seungmin paused.

"HANG ON BUDDY, I KNEW YOU WERE G-" Seungmin started, Felix covered his mouth.

"There are people in the other room," Felix said Seungmin quieted.

"I knew you were gay, but dating someone?" He whispered; Felix laughed. "TELL ME WHOOOO" Felix sighed.

"I can't, you'll find out... later." Felix said, "Anyway, now I need to tell Hyunjin." He sighed again.

"Right, you only did this to not make him jealous," Seungmin said. I was confused.

"That's not the only reason." Felix glanced toward me, "Hyunjin has a crush on you but doesn't tell him I told you that." Hwang Hyunjin had a crush on me. I never thought about having a crush on him but do I?

"OH NO SHE DOESN'T LIKE HIM BACK!" Seungmin blurted, and my face turned red.

"I-" I started.

"WAIT Y/N I DIDN'T MEAN TO SUDDENLY BRING IT UP I'M SORRY!" Felix said, trying to comfort me.

"I'm fine, I'm more worried about you anyway. Do you want me to call Hyunjin into the room?" I asked, still flustered. Felix nodded, so I walked to the door and called out for him, still blushing. He got up and then walked into the room. When he walked in, his shoulder brushed up against mine and I got nervous, what was happening? Do I like Hyunjin? Felix gestured toward the door for me and Seungmin to leave the room, we exited together to see that half the people on the couch were sleeping, and the other half were on their phones not even watching the show. We laughed and then went to the kitchen counter, we talked about whatever, then Felix and Hyunjin came out of Felix's room, Hyunjin crying.


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