Stoner girl

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Tw: weed, cigs, lil spice
Hi guys so this one is where you are a stoner and you and Tom are just like smoking and it gets just a little bit spicy, anyway I hope you guys like this and have fun

It was a regular Saturday and I was bored as fuck, I decided I was gonna smoke, so I roll a joint and grab my bong and walk to to my porch.

After I took like two hits I feel someone hug me from behind, then I remember that Tom slept over.

"Hey love" he says to me, I can tell he's tired because he but his head on my shoulder and he just sounded very tired.

I turn my head to look at him. "Hi Tommy, did you just wake up" I let out a little chuckle at the end "yeah, hey can I have a hit" he ask motioning to the blunt. "Yeah here" I hand him the blunt, im already a little bit out of it so I just was a bit slow.

After Tom takes his second hit, reach into my pocket and pull out some cigs, and smoke it, before we'll why not🤭

When I was in the middle of smoking my cigarette and talking about random cartoons, Tom grabs my chin with his fingers and kisses me.

After a while of our make out session, Tom pulls away and says "I think it's we should go inside, the shit you have is hitting me like a bus, also you wanna watch a horror movie ." Tom asked laughing a little bit "yeah we can, hold on one more" I say kissing him one more time then we start to grab all my stuff and head to my closet to go put it away

When we where in the middle of putting all the stuff back in the high up places so pumba doesn't get to get, Tom asked me "what movie do you want to watch?" I turn to look at him for a second and say "you want to watch the Addams family 1993 movies" (I love that movie so much)
"Oh yeah I like that one, isn't that the one where Wednesday falls kinda In love with a boy" tom Ask "yeah it's so cute" (it is tho)

When we finished putting everything back Me and tom head to the living room with 3 blankets, 4 pillows, and 2 stuffed animals. We make popcorn and somehow we had (your fav drink) so tom got me that and he got a Arizona tea mango flavored.

When me and tom get done setting up and get comfortable, watch the movie, and we fell asleep.

Hi Ik that like all of my stories end with you guys watching a movie and falling asleep Ik don't come at me but I will change it up for my next one because yk why not, also sorry for posting this late I was on vacation. Ok byeee

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