There for you

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I making this bc I'm having an episode rn I can't tell if I have BPD or not but I'm having a really bad depressive episode this past week so ima just make this bc why not ok have fun or sun Ig

You and Tom are laying in bed and watching tv and Tom noticed that you weren't cuddling him and and you were hiding your face in the blanket and you looked like something was bothering you

He moves a bit closer and wraps his arm around you "hey love are you ok? You seem to be a bit off today and yesterday" he ask softly

You look up at him with soft eyes and you look completely drained "I'm sorry... I think I'm having an episode baby..." you say quietly, with some sort of guilt. for some reason you felt guilty that he had to be there and had to help you, you felt bad that he had to see you like this

He looks at you with soft eyes and he picks you up a bit and moves you to where you are laying on top of him and you wrap your arms around him.

This had to be one of the worst episodes you have ever felt or experienced, your head hurt physically and your eye were tired and so was your whole body, you felt bad and just so drained.

Tom hugs you tightly "don't be sorry ok, I'll be here for you no matter what, and don't feel bad about anything ok, I want to be here for you and I enjoy making you feel even just a bit better, ok my love" he says oh so sweet and soft as he kissed your forehead gently and you looked at him and smiled

You look up at him with tiny tears in your eyes "mhm... I just... I've always felt bad that other people had to care about me sometimes... you know...?" You say softly "yeah I do and don't feel bad ok, I want to do this for you, ok baby" he says so lovingly and you smile and you rest his head on his chest

He looks down at you and start caressing your hair a bit. "Do you need any food or water?" He asked gently "no I'm good for right now. Thanks for asking baby" you say as you feel yourself start to get more tired and Tom notices and grabs your favorite blanket and puts it over you two and he turns on the fan and turns off all the lights

You guys continue to cuddle and you feel yourself drift off into sleep

"Good night my love, I hope you feel better soon" he says and you fall asleep in his arms your mind and brain feeling a bit at peace with him.

Tom kaulitz imagines 🖤Where stories live. Discover now