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Words are fragile things that break the strongest of hearts.

                                  -Kavya Dixit.



He felt annoyed and grumpy the whole day, courtesy of fighting with his most favourite person... His heart was not at peace, nor was it letting anyone work in peace.

Mustafa Ahwaan had been flaring and glaring time to time at the hospital staff for the minutest work. Seeing him on the edge, his staff warded off his gaze.

The same fate was of his office employees as he did a daily visit in the evening and now they were the ones facing his wrath. He looked like the incarnation of the devil sitting behind the mahogany table barking orders.

"Eat almonds to sharpen your memory Suraj. I asked you to get the file of Khurana builders not Maliks! Ek file boli thi lane ko par nahi ek kaam dhang se nahi hota!" clenching his jaws, Mustafa hissed hitting the file hard on the table, controlling the urge to hit his fist against it.

He could never imagine a person affecting him so much.

"Don't know how Hassan handles your incompetence. I believe I should visit here more often. Hassan is being too lenient with you all." His assistant who was standing before him gulped in fear, watching his eyes burn with anger.

"Are you waiting for my formal invitation to bring that file ?!" he again fired, digging daggers to the poor man who immediately shook his head.

Not wanting to anger his boss more he rushed to grab the files like his pants caught fire, his heart praying for the younger Ahwaan to arrive sooner from the business trip.

Atleast he would be less dominating and intimidating to the staff.... Maybe more sparing.

The senior one was only making their life difficult. And it wasn't wrong. Handling an angry Mustafa Ahwaan was not everyone's cup of tea...well, for except one person.

With their heartfelt prayers the day finally came to an end, so did their misery as they watched their boss leaving the office building.

What a pretty sight it was....

But fate was not kind to every one, or say it was being too harsh on Mustafa Ahwaan!

As soon as he entered home, he was blessed with sounds of bickering. His lips stretched automatically knowing the person behind the contagious voice... It was enough to spread peace inside the anguished heart of his.

"Appi no!"

"Yes Maria!"

"I don't want to."

"At least try it and then complain!"

"How can I ?! It's blueberry."

It looked like they were bickering about something related to food where his younger sister was persuading Maria who was not complying to her demands. With her whines he was sure she was pouting like a baby as always.

Oh how soothing their voices were to his heart, just like the balm to his injuries. He was sure of the peaceful sleep he would be blessed with after a whole torturous day.

It was as if his legs were on auto pilot mode, he turned towards the kitchen area where his sister and Maria were, but all came to halt when he saw the scene unfolding in front of him.

MY UNREQUITED LOVE (EDITED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now