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Why does it hurt so much ?

Because when you love them you also give them the power to destroy you.”


Her heart pained as she took steps towards Aaqib Ahwaan’s room. Everything around seemed gloomy when her heart was not at peace. It was since that day they both fought and just like he had promised Mustafa stopped interfering in her life. But it was not something which hurt her, it was him ignoring her completely had her mind going crazy.

It wasn’t her fault that Azhar shoved off spoon inside her mouth forcefully. Yes, she had not answered Mustafa but was it necessary for her to explain herself. To give a statement about her truth ?!

She had believed that it was useless to give explanations. Your loved ones would always know you better, they would know your heart and they were the ones to defend you even when you were capable enough to fight your own battles.

But Mustafa let her down this time.

How could he not read her ? How could he not when he was the first one to detect her emotions. He said her eyes were her mirror, then why was he acting like he couldn’t see the mirror of her heart ?

She knew she was no less. If Mustafa had hurt her then she too did the same. She should have been the one to clear his doubts, but he infuriated her assuming things on his own.

She knew their was no ego in relationships but she couldn’t bring herself to do that. Mustafa Ahwaan already owned her heart and she only had her self respect intact, then how could she lose it.

Only if there was any flicker of his feelings, even the minutest one telling he reciprocated her feelings… she would have told him, she would have confessed how much he mattered to her.

Sure there was the spark of possessiveness his eyes held, the anger, the madness but it was not because out of love or likeness, it was because he was scared.

He was scared to lose her but…. As a friend.

And now she missed him…. She missed his presence. She missed him hovering over her for the all the little things. She missed his voice scolding Osama and taking her side in every argument . She missed his gaze, which was cold for the world but was the warmest when it was her.

A tear leaked out of her eye as she remembered their sweet memories and she closed them, letting the tear find its way from the corner of her eyes, travelling from her cheek, down towards her neck, perishing slowly on the way.

Did her absence not affected him ? Was she the only one missing him ? Wasn’t his heart mourning her absence just like she did ?

Her heart cracked, her eyes felt heavy, ready to pour more tears, but she bit her lips and stopped herself as she neared her uncle’s room.

Since his wife was busy in the kitchen she had asked Maria to call Aaqib Ahwaan for breakfast but it seemed like he was talking with someone on the phone. His voice was very low but she was sure he was talking with someone.

She stopped at the door in respect ad she waited for him to finish, but her ears perked up when she heard him addressing her mother in her context.

“She is your daughter, bhabhi and it’s your decision. Of course! I’ll ask her about this, but before that I need your permission to approve my son.” Her eyes widened like saucers and her heart dropped at the voice of her uncle discussing marriage with her mother.

Who was he talking about ?

It couldn’t be Osama as he was younger to her. It was either Mustafa or Hassan?!

MY UNREQUITED LOVE (EDITED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now