Chapter -9

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Dwani's POV:

The next day, I went to college and ran into Shruthi. She asked me how I was doing and then hurried off to her class. I found a seat next to Priyanka and started chatting with her. We caught up on the latest gossip and shared some laughs.

Just as the class was about to begin, one of the office staff members entered and whispered something to our professor. I noticed the professor's expression change, and he looked at me with a slightly concerned look. He informed me that I was being called to the principal's office.

Curiosity mixed with a hint of nervousness, I made my way to the principal's office. When I entered, I was surprised to see the warden already there. Principal sir asked me about the payment for the hostel rent. I explained that during admission, I was told to pay only half of the rent. However, the warden had asked me to pay the full amount.

Principal sir turned to the warden and asked if what I said was true. The warden simply nodded, confirming my claim. It became clear that the warden had been collecting extra money for her personal use without the college's knowledge.

Taking swift action, the principal dismissed the warden from her position. I felt a mix of relief and satisfaction knowing that the issue had been addressed. Principal sir then turned to me and assured me that I could continue staying in the hostel. I nodded in gratitude and left the office, making my way back to the classroom to attend the remaining classes of the day.

During the lunch break, I approached Vedant sir and shared with him what had transpired in the principal's office. He seemed happy to hear that the issue had been resolved. However, I noticed a sudden frown appearing on his face.

Vedant sir asked me if I was planning to stay in the hostel again. I nodded in confirmation, but he seemed persistent and insisted that I stay at his home instead. I initially hesitated and declined his offer. However, as I thought about the hostel rent and considered Vedant sir's house, I realized that it could fit within my budget.

After weighing the options, I agreed to stay at his home. It seemed like a practical solution, and I appreciated his generosity. We discussed the details and logistics, and I felt a sense of relief knowing that I had found a comfortable and affordable accommodation arrangement.

After my conversation with Vedant sir, I had my lunch and headed to my class. In the evening, I said goodbye to Priyanka and made my way to my job at the restaurant. As I walked in, I was taken aback by what I saw in the changing room. Swathi and Niroop were hugging each other tightly, and it became clear to me that they were in a relationship. I always had a suspicion that something was going on between them, and today they confirmed it to me with a happy mood.

Feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity, I finished my shift and returned home. Today, Vedant sir didn't come, so I was on my own. I cooked my dinner, enjoyed my meal, and then spent some time studying. Exhaustion eventually caught up with me, and I decided to call it a night. As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but think about the revelations I had witnessed earlier. With those thoughts swirling in my mind, I drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the next day would bring.

Vedant pov

As I woke up that morning, the thought of Dwani occupied my mind. After completing my usual morning routine, I headed downstairs to have breakfast with my parents. My father informed me that he intended to speak with Dwani and the warden about the issue of hostel rent, determined to find a resolution. I nodded in agreement, acknowledging his plan.

Amidst our conversation, my mother inquired about the problem at hand. My father proceeded to explain the situation to her, providing her with all the necessary details. After bidding my parents farewell, I made my way to college.

During the lunch break, I gathered my friends and requested them to wait for me in the park. I then proceeded to the principal's office, as my father had informed me about his intentions. He had discovered that the warden had been demanding money from scholarship students for personal gain, which ignited a flame of anger within me.

My father shared that he had taken decisive action and dismissed the unethical warden. He assured me that he was in the process of appointing a new warden who would uphold the values and responsibilities of the position.

After my conversation with my father, I was making my way to the park when Dwani approached me. She eagerly shared the events that had unfolded in the principal's office. She joyfully informed me that the principal had offered her a place in the hostel. However, her excitement didn't resonate with me as I had hoped she would stay with me at my house.

I couldn't help but express my disappointment, and I asked Dwani if she was willing to stay in the hostel. After a moment of contemplation, she revealed that she had decided against staying in the hostel and agreed to stay in my home instead. This brought a sense of happiness and relief to me, knowing that she would be by my side.

After my conversation with Dwani, I joined my friends in the park, and we had our lunch together. Once we finished eating, I headed to my class for the rest of the day.

Later in the evening, I had the desire to spend some quality time with Dwani. However, my friends had different plans in mind and insisted that I join them in a gaming session. Despite my inclination to spend time with Dwani, they managed to persuade me, and I reluctantly accompanied them to indulge in gaming activities.

After the gaming session with my friends, I finally returned home. I cherished some precious moments with my parents, engaging in conversations and enjoying their company. We shared dinner together, savoring the delicious meal prepared with love.

As the day drew to a close, I retired to my room with a content and happy mood. Reflecting on the events of the day, including the resolution of the hostel issue and Dwani's decision to stay with me, I felt a sense of satisfaction and peace. With these positive thoughts lingering in my mind, I drifted off to sleep, looking forward to the new day ahead.

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